Prendergast | Practice Management for the Veterinary Team | Buch | 978-0-443-11708-4 |

Buch, Englisch, Gewicht: 790 g


Practice Management for the Veterinary Team

Front Office, Operations, and Development

Buch, Englisch, Gewicht: 790 g

ISBN: 978-0-443-11708-4
Verlag: Churchill Livingstone

Learn the art of leading a successful veterinary practice! Practice Management for the Veterinary Team: Front Office, Operations, and Development, 4th Edition, covers critical practice management subjects such as team leadership, inventory management, appointment management, team development, and providing an exceptional client experience through solid communication techniques. This edition includes revised and updated chapters on leadership, the veterinary team, professional growth and development, and medical record management. New to this edition are chapters covering telehealth and practice management software. This complete guide to veterinary practice management features step-by-step instructions, making it easier to learn essential practice management tasks. - Comprehensive coverage of practice management skills includes leadership, financial management, and strategic planning, as well as telephone skills, appointment scheduling, admitting and discharging patients, and communicating with clients.
- Coverage of clinical assisting ranges from examinations and history-taking for patients, to kennels and boarding procedures.
- Veterinary Ethics and Legal Issues chapter helps you learn to protect the practice and run a practice based on ethical principles and veterinary laws.
- End-of-chapter review questions reinforce key concepts and measure mastery of the content.
- End-of-chapter Practice Managers Survival Checklist allows you to review the most essential information.
- Versatile text can be used by practice managers to study for the CVPM exam.
- Updated content highlights important technological and professional updates to the field impacting medical record management.
- New chapters covering telehealth and practice integrative management software are included.
- Current coverage includes a revised Leadership, Professional Development and Human Resources chapter and expanded content in Strategic Planning and Marketing chapters.
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Weitere Infos & Material

SECTION I Veterinary Practice Team and Development
1 The Heart of Veterinary Medicine
2 The Leadership Team
3 The Veterinary Team and Front Office Procedures
4 Human Resources in the Veterinary Practice
5 Veterinary Ethics and Legal Issues
6 Professional Development
7 Telemedicine
8 Practice Integrated Management Software
9 Medical Records Management
SECTION II Veterinary Operations
10 Appointment Management
11 The Client Experience
12 Marketing
13 Inventory Management
14 Controlled Substances
15 Safety in the Veterinary Practice
16 Finance Management
17 Strategic Planning

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