Priest, Christopher
Christopher Priest arrived at Marvel in the late ’70s, serving as an assistant editor and later editor under Jim Shooter. It wasn’t long before he made his mark with the company as a writer, with long runs on Conan the Barbarian and Power Man and Iron Fist. His move to DC Comics led to him join a collective of African American creators on the Milestone imprint. Later, it was his revival of Black Panther at Marvel Knights that rejuvenated the character in a way that set the stage for a cinematic depiction that took the world by storm.
Lee, Stan
Stan Lee (1922–2018) kennen Millionen als jenen Mann, der Marvel in seine herausragende Stellung in der Comic- Branche katapultiert hat. Er war unter anderem Mitschöpfer von Spider-Man, dem unglaublichen Hulk, den X-Men, den Fantastischen Vier, Iron Man und Hunderten weiteren Figuren. Während er emeritierter Vorsitzender von Marvel war, erfand er gleichzeitig als Chief Creative Officer der Firma POW! Entertainment zahlreiche neue Figuren und Geschichten, die in Büchern und Filmen aber auch im Reality-TV, auf der Bühne, in Dokumentationen und Multimedia reüssierten.
Heck, Don
Don Heck (1929–1995) was one of the stalwart artists of the Marvel Age, working alongside Stan Lee’s stable of famed artists to provide the visual contours of the seminal years of the Marvel super hero. Established in all genres—particularly horror and romance—Heck took on the super hero genre with aplomb, taking over The Avengers from Jack Kirby, and co-creating Iron Man and his debonair alter ego Tony Stark, and future Avengers the Wasp, Hawkeye, and Black Widow. He was an Avengers artist for more than a decade and a prolific comics creator at both Marvel and DC through to his death in 1995.
Thomas, Roy
Roy Thomas verfasst seit 1965 Film- und TV-Drehbücher, vor allem aber Comics. Von 1965-80 arbeitete er als Redakteur bei Marvel (1972-74 als Chefredakteur) und war Autor für die Reihen Avengers, Uncanny X-Men, Conan the Barbarian, The Incredible Hulk und Star Wars. Er ist Herausgeber des Comic-Fachblatts Alter Ego und derzeit mit zwei Tarzan-Comics im Web präsent.