Putra Jaya | Materials for Sustainable Construction Engineering | Buch | 978-3-0357-1792-1 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 252 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 570 g

Putra Jaya

Materials for Sustainable Construction Engineering

Buch, Englisch, 252 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 570 g

ISBN: 978-3-0357-1792-1
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

This volume of papers introduces readers to the latest research and achievements from the 5th World Sustainable Construction Conference (WSCC 2021, 15th and 16th October 2021, online). Collected articles present scientific research and engineering design results in the area of building materials and advanced technologies for roads and civil constructions.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Performance of CPHMA Incorporating Vegetable Oil as Asbuton Solution
Effect of Spent Garnet Waste as Partial Fine Aggregate Replacement on Properties of High Strength Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
Performance of Composite Slabs Using Profiled Steel Decking Reinforced with Cold-Formed C-Channel Steel
Effect of Area Loading on Flexural Performance of Bubble Deck Slab
Mechanical Properties of Stone Mastic Asphalt Incorporating Nano Titanium Modified Asphalt Binder
Mechanical Properties of Pervious Concrete Containing East Borneo Local Aggregate
Influence of Fly Ash Dosage and Desert Sand Replacement Ratio (DSRR) on the Carbonation Resistance of Concrete
The Effect of Water to Cement Ratio on the Fresh and Hardened Mortar Containing Steel Slag as Cement Replacement Material
Comparison of Recycled Waste Amount for Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste between Two Apartment Projects
Compressive Strength of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete Containing Crushed Cockle Shell as Partial Sand Replacement
Effect of Coal Bottom Ash as Partial Sand Replacement for Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
The Determinants Factors for Solar Photovoltaic Implementation in Existing Building
Image Analysis and Mechanical Properties of Asphalt Mixture with Waste Plastic
Performance of Asphaltic Concrete Incorporating Fly Ash under Low Temperature
The Influence of Cowper-Symonds Coefficients on the Response of Stiffened Steel Plates Subjected to Close-In Blast Loads
The Influence of Coal Bottom Ash as Filler in Asphalt Mixture
Numerical Study on the Effect of Different Steel Reinforcement Arrangement in Reinforced Concrete Wall Subjected to Blast Load
The Effect of Area Loading and Punching Shear on the Reinforced Concrete Slab Containing Spherical Plastic Bubble Balls
Influences of Waste Inclusion on Impact and Crushing Force Resistance of Track Ballast

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