Green Manufacturing, Mechanical and Automation Engineering
Erscheinungsjahr 2013
ISBN: 978-3-03785-748-9
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Green Manufacturing 2013 (MEGM2013), March 22-24, 2013, Chongqing, China
Buch, Englisch, 1100 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 200 g
ISBN: 978-3-03785-748-9
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
- Technische Wissenschaften Maschinenbau | Werkstoffkunde Produktionstechnik
- Technische Wissenschaften Maschinenbau | Werkstoffkunde Technische Mechanik | Werkstoffkunde
- Technische Wissenschaften Technik Allgemein Nachhaltigkeit, Grüne Technologien
- Technische Wissenschaften Technik Allgemein Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik
Weitere Infos & Material
Preface, Committees and Reviewers
Chapter 1: Mechanical Engineering
Research on Automated Analysis Approach for Tests of Hydro-Turbine Generator Sets
Flat Knitting Machine Design Based on Display Accelerator
Mechanical Analysis on Tennis Forehand Drive
Gear Failure Forms and Processing Technology Improvement
Study on Combing Machine Based on Promotion Display Materials
Chapter 2: Applied Mechanics, Vibration and Friction
Research on Oil and Water Well Casing Damage in the Process of Oil-Field Development
A Simple Calculation Method of Assembled Type Steel Truss Bridge's Deflection
Study of STI Change Characteristics of Different Groups during Exhaustive Load Process with Vibration and Friction
Analysis on the Frequency Expansion Seismic Processing Technology in TA112 Field with Vibration
Research on Retaining and Protecting Technology for Foundation Excavation Engineering of Soft Highway Section with Vibration and Friction
Measures for Controlling the Steel Support Welding Quality of Building
Study on the Safety of Bridge Structure
Study on Repairing and Strengthening Measures of Reinforced Concrete Truss Arch Bridge
Vibration Analysis of Gear Drive System Based on Whole Transfer Matrix Method
Distributed Wireless Acquisition System for Seismic Signal with Vibration and Noise
Design and Construction Analysis of Cement-Stabilized Macadam Foundation
The Study on Tunnel Surrounding Rock Displacement Prediction
Stream Turbine Vibration Fault Diagnosis
Mechanical Assembly Design Strategy for Rapid Development of Technology
Study on the Durability of Highway Bridge under Heavy Traffic
Defect Identification and Quality Control of Steel Structure Installation Projects Based on Fishbone Diagram
Chapter 3: Engineering for Green Manufacturing, Supply Chain Management, Decision-Making Technologies and Industry
A Comparative Study of the Equipment Manufacturing Industry Cluster Development Mode
Research on Manufacturing Enterprise Training Management Information System Based on B/S Architecture
Research of Super Capacitance in Automobile Industry
Research on Sustainable Mining Engineering
Improved Facility Layout of Manufacturing Production Workshops
Manufacturer Order Fulfillment Based on Multi-Objective Optimization NSGA II Model
Analysis on the Evolution of Information Construction Model in Green Industry Engineering
Study on Logistics Resources Integration Based on Sustainable Logistics Networking in Manufacturing Engineering
Safety Performance Evaluation of Green Building Based on Structural Equation Modeling
Research on Passing Capacity of Tunnel Section of Highway
Research of Driving Cycle for Electric Bus of Expo Guozhan Line
Green Supply Chain of Coal Chemical Enterprises
Research on Inventory Transportation Integrated Optimization Model under the Supply Chain in Green Manufacturing Engineering
Study on Green Ecology-Oriented Fashion Design
Evolutionary Game Research on Cooperative Development in Virtual Manufacturing Enterprise Engineering Management
Study on Municipal Water Supply and Drainage Designs
Network Monitoring System in Sustainable Manufacturing Envirnment Based on.NET and Ethernet/SDARP
Analysis of Products Supply Chain Service System Development and Application in Service-Oriented Manufacturing Mode-Taking Professional Audio Equipment System for Example
Study of Management Mode in Machinery Industry
On Transformation and Upgrading Manufacturing Industry
Analysis of Network-on-Chip Structure in Green Manufacturing
Study on E-Commerce System of Green Mechanical Processing Enterprises
Study on the Regional Agglomeration of Manufacturing Industries
Two Basic Issues in the Development of Oil-Field Visualization
Study on Green Intelligent Supply Chain Cost Management in Manufacturing Engineering
Manufacturing Grid Based on Service Request Mode
Manufacturing Evaluation Model Based on Multi-Attribute Making Engineering
Stepwise Regression Analysis of Work Locus of Control and Stress in Mine Emergency Rescuers
Study on Sustainable Integrated Program of Dump Open Pit Optimization
State Transition Model of Green Logistical Network in Manufacturing Engineering
Research on Humanity in Development of Electrical Engineering
Remote Monitoring System for Green Farmland Engineering
Machine Scheduling Scheme in Green Manufacturing Engineering
Ant Colony Optimization for Optimal Control in Manufacturing Engineering
A New Image Watermarking Algorithm Using NSCT and Harris Detector in Green Manufacturing
Research on Network Virtual Laboratory in Manufacturing Industry
Research on Deformation Monitoring of Manufacturing Engineering
Design of Vehicle Reservation System in Manufacturing Engineering
Thermodynamical Analysis-Based Design Calculation and Optimization of Chemical Industry Wastes Incinerator
Carrying Capacity Estimation of Fleshy Prawn Based on Ecopath Model
Design of Alarm Information in WLAN Monitoring System in Manufacturing Engineering
Analysis and Verification of Bullwhip Effect Based on System Dynamics
Research of Pond Fire Model of Base Oil Tin
Research on Green Hotels Based on Green Materials
Control Measures for High-Rise Building Operation Safety Management
Chapter 4: New and Sustainable Materials Engineering
Study on Sculpture Based on New Materials
Research on Visual Cortex Prosthesis System and Visual Information Coding Strategy Based on Sustainable Materials
Study on New Chinese Architecture Based on New Materials
Study of Biosafety of Nanomaterials in Sports Engineering
A Modified Protocol for Microbial DNA Extraction and Purification in Crude Oil-Spilled Marsh Soil
Research of the Materials of Building Experimental Model
Studies on One-Step Preparation of Multi-Color Fluorescent Carbon-Doped Silica Biological Nanomaterials
Design of Sports Field Based on Nanometer Materials
Study on Low-Carbon Buildings Materials
Art of Fashion Design Based on New Materials
Sports Equipment Based on High-Tech Materials
Emission Characteristicsof of PCBs of Combustion of Sludge-Coal Water Slurry in Fluidized Bed
Aquatic Products Determination of Nonylphenol and Octylphenol
VSR Mechanism Based on MC Algorithm Simulation of Grain Growth Behavior of Sustainable Materials
The Application in the Movement Materials Based on the Grey Fuzzy Theory
Study on Mechanics Analysis of Underwater Explosion of Triethylaluminium
The Largest Eigenvalue Calculating Scheme of Catacondensed Benzenoids in Environment Engineering
Chapter 5: Methodology, Devices and Instruments, Measure and Diagnosis, Evaluation and Testing
Interference and Countermeasures of Single Chip Microcomputer System
Efficient Solving Method of Common-Mode Interference in Balanced Bus
Laser Array and Key Principles for Smoke Imaging Test
Design of a Miniaturization Microstrip Antenna and Cavity Model Analysis
Research on Detection Techniques of Early Forest Fire Based on Dynamic Characteristics of Smoke
Three-Dimension Seismic Data Exploration Software in VR Platform
Feature Extraction of the Crack AE Signal Using HHT Transform
Line Selection Algorithm of Coal Mine High Leakage Based on Fuzzy
Research of P2P Traffic Real-Time Monitoring Technology Based on DPI
Chaotic Characteristics of Workface Gas Emission Time-Series Data
Embedded Digital Control System of the Automatic Test System
Harmonic Detetion Algorithm Based on Identification and Simulation
Study on a New Joint Source-Channel Decoder Design
Paper Surface Defects Recognition Technology Based on Improved BP Network
Mineral Information Extraction Using Hyper Spectral Remote Sensing Technology
Intelligent Construction Machinery Fault Diagnosis Based on Multiple Intelligent Machines
Controller Design for Network Control System Based on Gray Prediction
Research on Improved Range of Passive Radio Frequency Identification Tag by Taking Advantage of Energy-Harvesting and Efficient E-Class Oscillator
Unknown Input and Disturbance Output Reconstruction for a Class of Linear Systems
A Lattice Discrete Model for Intensive RFID Reader Deployment
Energy Efficiency of Cell Range Extension of Picocell
Printing Defects Detection Based on Two-Times Difference Image Method
The Application Research of PLC Temperature Control System Based on Fuzzy Neural Network PID
Counteraction of Constant Modulus Demodulation Scheme for Mixing Space Borne AIS Signals
Efficient Ring Artifact Remove Scheme of Cone-Beam CT Image
Earthquake Disaster Assessment System
Measurement of Moment of Inertia for Flywheel of Bicycles
Research on a New Type of Integral Sum Graph with the Sequence Label Method
Study of Applying Dynamic Decision Process to Evaluation of Air Safety
Timing Acquisition Based on Cooperation Verification of Distributed Receive Antennas in Linear Cell
Design of DisplayPort Based High-Definition Video Monitor System
On Edge-Balance Index Sets of a Nested Graph with Infinite Paths and Power Circles
Measurement the Transmission Characteristics of the Power Line Communication Channel Based on Periodic PN Sequence
A Novel Fault Line Selection Method of Distribution Network Based on Wavelet Packet Energy
Chapter 6: Mechatronics, Automation, Control, Net and Information Technologies, Simulation and Modelling
Optimized Vehicle Scheduling Algorithm of Distribution Center
Community Automatic Irrigation Control System Based on Zigbee
Study of Internet of Things in China
Study of Road Network Traffic Condition Based on Grey Comprehensive Evaluation Model
Study of Auto-Motive Network Based on CAN-BUS
The Study on Wireless Video Monitoring System Based on SOPC
A Simplified Unbalanced Control Strategy of PWM-VSC Based on Line Voltage Calculation
Integrated Multiple Model-Based H8 Loop-Shaping Control
Social Security Research under Automation Control
Automation Control of Group Work Outcome Assessment
Research on Optimal Control and Simulation for Active Suspension Systems
Study on Intelligent Traffic Lights Based on Internet of Things
A Wavelet Spatial Correlation Algorithm to Partial Discharge Denoising Based on MDL Criterion
Research of Mine Personnel Positioning System Based on ZigBee
Research and Realization of Monitor System of Campus Network Flow
A Down Hole Safety Management ML2012 System Based on RFID Technology
Research of Intelligent Traffic Management System
Navigating Design System with Fallback Support
A Flexible Attribute-Based Access Control for the Dynamic Cloud
Research on Machine Translation System
Interactive Virtual Globe Service System Based on OsgEarth
Design and Implementation of CABAC Parallelization on Multicore DSP
Design of Position System of Underground Mines Based on Zigbee Technology
Wireless Position Based on Zigbee Network in High Speed Highway ETC System
Automated Alarm Based on Intelligent Visual Analysis
Study on the Data Security and Privacy Protection Mechanisms of the Internet of Things
VPN Packet Loss-Oriented Dynamic Control
Fast 3D City Modeling with Unmanned Airship System in Henan Province
Study on Traffic Prediction Algorithm Based on Multi-Scale Bi-Orthogonal Wavelet
An Improved Genetic Algorithm Based on Cellular Automata
A Fast and Accurate Tag Estimation Algorithm for Dynamic Framed-Slotted ALOHA Based on M/D/1 Queue in RFID Systems
Research on Malicious Behavior of Firmware Based on Hardware Resources Access Control
Integrated Supervisory Control System Based on Distributed Component Management
Electronic Guide System Based on SOPC
Study of the Exact Solutions and Chaotic Behaviors in a (2+1)-Dimensional Nonlinear System
Multi-Scroll Chaotic System Based on Even-Symmetric Step-Wave Sequence Control
Lane-Level Positioning Method for 3D In-Vehicle Navigation System
Recognition of the Analog Modulation Modes
Bluetooth Transmission System Based on Embedded Linux
Acoustic Target Location Algorithm Based on Zigbee Wireless Sensor Network
Design on Manufacturing Engineering Community Monitoring System Based on Wireless Sensor Network
ASIC Design of Encoding Circuit in Low Frequency Read-only RFID in Manufacturing Engineering
On the Application of Open CNC System in Real-Time Operation
Research on Coal Mine Rescue Robot Model
Efficient Rebar Count Scheme Based on Image Recognition in Mechanical Engineering
The Research of CNC Machine Monitoring System Based on OPC and Configuration
Research on Elements of Information Conveying Based on Interface Design
Research of Fault Location in Low-Voltage Distribution Networks
Design of Smart Rescue Robot Based on ARM Remote Control
GPU-Based PSO Application in Multiuser Detection and Trajectory Parameter Estimation
Study on Urban Environment Color Design
Processing of Mechanical Parts Based on Virtual Simulation
Numerical Simulation of the Wind Field of Assembled Steel Truss Bridge
Predictive Analysis on Maintenance of Mining Dump Truck
Simulation of Pumping Unit Based on Simulink
Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms Mixed Withdifferent Thermodynamics Mechanisms
Stability and Control Analysis on a Small-Scale Coaxial Helicopter with Bell-Hiller Stabilizer Bar
Applications of Research and Development of Logging in Oil-Field Visualization
Pulse Design for Ultra Wideband System Based on Generalized Gaussian Pulse
Study of Signal Distortions on Behavior of Internal Traders
Study on Signal Integrity Simulation for High Speed Serial Rapid IO
Computational Research of Internal Temperature Distribution for Liver Tissues under Laser Irradiation
Numerical Simulation of Roadway Deformation of Different Cutting Aperture
Influence of Noise to Chaotic Time Series Prediction in Environment
Chapter 7: Green Power and Environment Engineering
Study on the Property Dynamic Filtration Performance of Anthranilic Acid Copper in Environment Engineering
Scheduling Scheme Based on Smart Grid of Energy-Saving
Online Monitoring System of Tailing Dam Seepage Line in Abominable Weather
Research on Sedimentary Facies of Formation of Neogene in Oilfield
Quality and Safety Warning of Edible Forest Products Based on Gray Forecast Model
Research on Water Pollution Monitoring System
Research of High Precision DC Constant Current Source
Research on Sustainable Environmental Monitoring System Based on GSM
Estimating Runoff and Environment Protection in Tao River Basin based on Swat Model
Soil Heavy Metal Pollution Analysis of City Surface Based on Neural Network
Design and Analysis of the Building Environment Based on DeST Software
Non-Point Source Pollution Control Effect Based on Comprehensive Management of Small Watershed
Research Dry Crop and Irrigation Water Requirement in Environment Engineering
Mining Exploration of Bauxite Based on High-Power Electrical Method
Research on Algal Bloom Control for Environment Engineering
Taxonomic Study on the Genus Lyophyllum in Sustainable Environment Engineering
Design of Intelligent Power Management System Based on Internet of Things
Design of Intelligent Green Power Management System
Analysis of Chinese Renewable Energy Engineering
Environment Protection Based on Internet of Things
Study on Efficient Grid Dispatching Scheme in Green Power Engineering
Research on Sustainable Power Distribution Network in Power Engineering
Design of Agricultural Intelligent Irrigation System in Green Environment
Study on Urban Road Information Indicating System in Green Environment Engineering
Research of Customer Service Monitoring and Command System in Electric Power Engineering
An Improved Direct Learning Architecture for Satellite High Power Amplifiers Pre-Distortion
Miniature Gardening Collection Model in Green Environment Engineering
An Improved ID3 Algorithm for Power Equipment in Green Power Engineering
Power Distribution Automation System in Green Power Engineering
Power Harmonic and Interharmonic Analysis Based on TLS-ESPRIT and PSO Algorithm
Transformation Development and Eco-Environmental Protection of Resource-Exhausted City
Load Forecasting of Green Power System Based on Data Mining
Study on Coal Performance Influence Based on Input-Output Model