Quinn / Kennaugh | Engineering Experimentation for Aerodynamics and Fluid Measurement | Buch | 978-0-12-815842-5 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 550 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

Quinn / Kennaugh

Engineering Experimentation for Aerodynamics and Fluid Measurement

Erscheinungsjahr 2029
ISBN: 978-0-12-815842-5
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Buch, Englisch, 550 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

ISBN: 978-0-12-815842-5
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Engineering Experimentation for Aerodynamics and Fluid Measurement equips the reader with the skills and knowledge necessary to design, implement and interpret an experiment using industry-standard and state-of-the-art equipment. As well as covering how to conduct the experiment itself, the design of the data acquisition system is addressed, along with scalable data analysis algorithms, thus ensuring that the significance of the experimental results is correctly understood. Starting with the basic concepts in measurement and experimentation, this book continues to cover all of the most important experimental techniques and equipment currently in use with the help of case studies from industry.

Although it focuses on experiments in fluid measurement, researchers in a wide range of disciplines will find this book a valuable companion in the lab.

- Explains how to select appropriate equipment based on relevant documentation and a specification
- Covers how to design a data acquisition system
- Provides instructions for how to carry out advanced analysis using Fourier domain or wavelet analysis
- Includes video tutorials of rig set-up and equipment configuration that are included in the Science Direct eBook
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Introduction to Experimentation 2. Basic Concepts of Measurements 3. Sensors 4. Signals, Systems and Data Acquisition 5. Test Rigs 6. Planning of Experiments 7. Data Analysis and Presentation 8. Uncertainty Analysis 9. Spectral Analysis 10. Advanced Analysis 11. Field Measurements 12. Experimental guidance

Quinn, Mark A.
Mark Quinn is a Lecturer at the University of Manchester, lecturing on Experimental Methods to five technical MSc cohorts. Before taking up this post he worked in industry on a large-scale transonic wind tunnel performing both customer testing and research and development on experimental techniques. He has worked with the Aircraft Research Association on optical Flow Diagnostics.

Kennaugh, Andrew
Andrew Kennaugh is an Experimental Officer at the University of Manchester, lecturing on Experimental Methods and supporting experimental design activities within the School of Mechanical, Aeronautical and Civil Engineering (MACE). He has many years of experience working with low-speed and supersonic wind tunnels performing commercial testing for a range of different organisations as well as supporting students at all levels with wind tunnel-based research/testing activities and developing and improving existing testing facilities.

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