Raccichini / Ulissi | Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Energy Storage | Buch | 978-0-12-821434-3 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 386 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

Raccichini / Ulissi

Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Energy Storage

Challenges and Opportunities
Erscheinungsjahr 2021
ISBN: 978-0-12-821434-3
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Challenges and Opportunities

Buch, Englisch, 386 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-821434-3
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Energy Storage: Challenges and Opportunities, Volume Nineteen provides an objective, realistic overview on the use of nanomaterials for various rechargeable electrochemical energy storage systems. It delivers a clear message on opportunities and critical aspects for the application of nanomaterials in currently available commercial devices (i.e., lithium-ion, supercapacitors, lithium-ion capacitors) and in the most promising battery technologies (e.g., lithium-sulphur, sodium-ion, metal-air, multivalent-ion batteries, dual-ion). In addition, it covers the use of nanomaterials on two of the most promising research pathways, specifically solid electrolytes and nanostructured alkali metal interfaces. Finally, the book outlines future use scenarios in developed and industrial applications.

Nanomaterials have been considered as the "holy grail� of electrochemical energy storage during recent decades. Compounds and composites made of nanomaterials have opened unexpected research avenues, allowing entirely new classes of materials to be explored.
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Materials scientists and engineers

Weitere Infos & Material

1. Nanomaterials for electrochemical energy storage: An Introduction
2. Nanomaterial aspects of Li-ion battery cathodes
3. Nanotechnology advancements for Li-ion battery anodes
4. The role of nanomaterials for supercapacitors and metal-ion hybrid capacitors
5. Progress of nanotechnology for Lithium-Sulphur batteries
6. Nanostructured materials for Sodium-ion batteries
7. Nanomaterials for metal-air batteries development
8. Application of nanotechnology in multivalent ion-based batteries
9. Contribution of nanomaterials to future electrochemical energy storage systems  
10. Impact of nanostructured materials on solid state electrolytes
11. Nanostructured alkali metal interfaces for high energy batteries
12. Industrial use of nanomaterials for commercial electrochemical energy storage systems

Ulissi, Ulderico
Ulderico joined Nissan in July 2019 as Battery Research Engineer. He is the technical coordinator for research projects on next-generation battery technologies at the Nissan Technical Centre Europe.
Previously, he worked at OXIS Energy Ltd as Senior Scientist and Technical Leader for EU H2020 projects. He has published 16 peer-reviewed papers and filed 4 patents, in collaboration with several industrial partners such as BMW AG, Samsung R&D Japan, EVONIK Ind. AG, OXIS Energy Ltd. His main areas of expertise are solid-state and high energy lithium-ion batteries, with a particular focus on negative electrode materials and novel electrolyte formulations.
He was awarded his doctorate (chemistry) in 2017 from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany). Ulderico received his BSc and MSc degrees in Industrial Chemistry from the University of Rome "La Sapienza" (Italy).

Raccichini, Rinaldo
Rinaldo Raccichini received his master's degree in chemistry from the University of Camerino. He was awarded his doctorate from the University of Münster for work on the synthesis and electrochemical characterisation of active materials for metal-ion batteries and supercapacitors, followed by a research fellowship at the University of Southampton on the study and characterisation of materials for sulfur-based batteries. Rinaldo then worked at the UK National Physical Laboratory as electrochemical energy storage higher research scientist. He also served as editorial office for the Journal of Power Sources for several years Rinaldo was appointed as editorial board member of Electrochem and Chemistry Proceedings journals and guest editor for Energies. He is an indiepdent reviewer for various research institutes and peer-reviewed scientific journals. Rinaldo is currently a senior editor at Springer-Nature and his main scientific interests lie in the study of EES systems. More broadly, he retains a strong interest in all the different aspects of energy production, harvesting, storage, transformation, consumption, and sustainability.

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