Raduntz / Banfield | The Capitalisation of the Academy | Buch | 978-1-84334-133-8 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 250 Seiten

Reihe: Chandos Information Professional Series

Raduntz / Banfield

The Capitalisation of the Academy

Intellectual Property, The University, and The Work of Knowledge and Information Professionals

ISBN: 978-1-84334-133-8
Verlag: Woodhead Publishing

Intellectual Property, The University, and The Work of Knowledge and Information Professionals

Buch, Englisch, 250 Seiten

Reihe: Chandos Information Professional Series

ISBN: 978-1-84334-133-8
Verlag: Woodhead Publishing

The Capitalisation of the Academy: Intellectual Property, the University, and the Work of Knowledge and Information Professionals is a highly relevant and accessible book designed to introduce readers to a 'big picture' account of the dynamics associated with the establishment of the new information and knowledge-based economy.

The author demonstrates that at the core of this dynamic is the contentious issue of corporate ownership of intellectual property and the likelihood it will have ramifications not only on professionals and knowledge workers in general, but also on the public at large.

She argues that if business and commercial interests are free to appropriate, to exercise monopolistic control, and to exploit the generation, exchange, dissemination, storage, and retrieval of knowledge and information for the limited purposes of private profit, it will likely risk the freedom of inquiry, the free flow and exchange of ideas, and the unimpeded public access to knowledge and information on which scientific research and technological innovation depend.

- Based on a holistic account of the dynamics driving the knowledge-based economy

- Examines the intellectual property market and its relation to the rise of the knowledge industry

- Explores the relationship between intellectual property, the knowledge industry, and the work of information professionals

- Details the changing role of information profesionals and the impact of the corporate ownership of intellectual property

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Information professionals but also to a wide spectrum of knowledge workers and citizens who are anxious to make sense of the impact of changes in the knowledge industry on their lives and work.

Weitere Infos & Material

Part I The rise, dynamics and evolution of capitalism 1. The genesis of capitalism 2. The inner dynamics of capitalism 3. Towards the development of managerial capitalism

Part II The capitalization of the academy 4. Intellectual property and information management 5. Towards the capitalisation of the academy 6. Redefining the work of knowledge and information professionals

Part III The role of the academy in universal capitalism 7. Universal capitalism in crisis: The role of the state, WTO, TRIPS 8. The global enclosure of the academy 9. Reclaiming the academy for a social future

Banfield, Grant
Grant is an academic and activist. He writes and reserches in the areas of Marxist sociology, the philosophy of science and critical education. His recent book, Critical Realism for Marxist Sociology of Education (Routledge, 2016) draws on contemproary developments in realist philosophy to underpin a rethinking of Marxist approaches to radical activism and revolutionary pedagogy. After retiring as a full-time academic worker in 2019, Grant has taken a position as adjunct academic at the University of South Australia in Adelaide, South Australia.

Raduntz, Helen
Dr Helen Raduntz is currently an Adjunct Research Fellow attached to the Centre for Research in Education, Equity and Work and the School of Education within the University of South Australia.

Dr Helen Raduntz is currently an Adjunct Research Fellow attached to the Centre for Research in Education, Equity and Work and the School of Education within the University of South Australia.

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