Radwan / Said | Fractional Order Systems | Buch | 978-0-12-824293-3 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 612 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 930 g

Radwan / Said

Fractional Order Systems

An Overview of Mathematics, Design, and Applications for Engineers
Erscheinungsjahr 2021
ISBN: 978-0-12-824293-3
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

An Overview of Mathematics, Design, and Applications for Engineers

Buch, Englisch, 612 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 930 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-824293-3
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Fractional Order Systems: An Overview of Mathematics, Design, and Applications for Engineers introduces applications from a design perspective, helping readers plan and design their own applications. The book includes the different techniques employed to design fractional-order systems/devices comprehensively and straightforwardly. Furthermore, mathematics is available in the literature on how to solve fractional-order calculus for system applications. This book introduces the mathematics that has been employed explicitly for fractional-order systems. It will prove an excellent material for students and scholars who want to quickly understand the field of fractional-order systems and contribute to its different domains and applications.

Fractional-order systems are believed to play an essential role in our day-to-day activities. Therefore, several researchers around the globe endeavor to work in the different domains of fractional-order systems. The efforts include developing the mathematics to solve fractional-order calculus/systems and to achieve the feasible designs for various applications of fractional-order systems.
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<p>Primary: Researchers, graduate students in the fields of basic and applied sciences, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, information security, control theory, solid-state electronics, power engineering, biomedical engineering.</p> <p>Secondary: Researchers from biological sciences to understand the theories better therein</p>

Weitere Infos & Material

1. A survey on numerical studies for fractional biological models and their optimal control 2. A collection of interdisciplinary applications of fractional-order circuits 3. Fractional-order control, new control teqhniques 4. Fractional-order systems, numerical techniques, and applications I 5. Fractional-order systems, numerical techniques, and applications II 6. Chaos in fractional-order difference systems 7. A review on the realization of fractional-order devices to use as sensors and circuit elements for experimental studies and research 8. FPAA-based implementation of fractional-order multidirectional multiscroll chaotic oscillators 9. A survey on memristor active emulation circuits in the fractional-order domain 10. Fractional-order oscillators based on a single Op-Amp 11. Fractional calculus in electronic circuits: a review 12. Dynamics and implementation techniques of fractional-order neuron models: a survey 13. Fractional calculus: applications in rheology 14. Introduction of new kernels and new models to solve the drawbacks of fractional integration/differentiation operators and classical fractional-order models

Radwan, Ahmed G.
Ahmed G. Radwan (Senior member IEEE) is a Professor in the Engineering Mathematics Department, Cairo University, Egypt, and Acting Director of Research, Nile University, Egypt. He was the Former Director of Nanoelectronics Integrated Systems Center (NISC), Nile University, Egypt. Dr. Radwan was a visiting Professor in Computational Electromagnetic Lab (CEL), Electrical and Computer Engineering department (ECE), McMaster University, Canada in the interval [2008 - 2009], then he was selected to be a part of the first foundation research teams to join KAUST (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology) during the interval [2009 -2011]. His research interests include interdisciplinary concepts between mathematics and engineering applications such as fractional-order systems, bifurcation, chaos, memristor, and encryption. Dr. Radwan received the Cairo University excellence award for research in the engineering sciences in 2016, the Abdul Hameed Shoman Award for Arab Researchers in basic sciences in 2015, the state achievements award for research in mathematical sciences in 2012, the Cairo University achievements award for research in the engineering sciences in 2013, and the best researcher awards Nile University 2015 & 2016.

Dr. Radwan has more than 200 papers, h-index 30, and more than 3000 citations based on Scopus database. He is the Co-inventor of Six US patents, author/Co-author of Seven international books as well as 15-chapter books in the highly ranked publishers such as Elsevier and Springer. He received many research grants as Principle Investigator (PI), CO-PI, or Consultant from different national/international organizations. He was Invited to be Lead/Guest Editors in Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, and Journal of Mathematical Problems in Engineering, and Complexity. He organized many special sessions, serve as TPC (Technical Program Committee) in several international conferences. He was selected as a member of the first scientific council of Egyptian Young Academy of Sciences (EYAS) as well as in the first scientific council of the Egyptian Center for the Advancement of Science, Technology, and Innovation (ECASTI) to empower and encourage Egyptian young scientists in science and technology and build knowledge-based societies.

Said, Lobna A.
Lobna A. Said is a full-time Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science and the Nano-Electronics Integrated System Research Center (NISC), Nile University (NU). She received the B.Sc., the M.Sc., and the Ph.D. degrees in electronics and communications from Cairo University, Egypt, in 2007, 2011, and 2016, respectively. She has H-index 15, and more than 660 citations based on the Scopus database. She has over 85 publications distributed between high-impact journals, conferences, and book chapters. She was involved in many research grants as a Senior Researcher, or as a Co-PI from different national organizations. Her research interests are interdisciplinary, including system modeling, control techniques, optimization techniques, analog and digital integrated circuits, fractional-order circuits and systems, non-linear analysis, and chaos theory. She has received the Recognized Reviewer Award from many international journals. She is the Vice-Chair of research activities at the IEEE Computational Intelligence Egypt Chapter. She has received the Excellence Award from the Center for the Development of Higher education and Research in 2016. She is the Winner of Dr. Hazem Ezzat Prize for the outstanding researcher, NU 2019. She is one of the top 10 researchers at NU for the year 2018-2019. Recently, she was selected as a member of the Egyptian Young Academy of Sciences (EYAS) to empower and encourage young Egyptian scientists in science and technology and build knowledge-based societies. In 2020, she was selected to be an affiliate member of the African Academy of Science (AAS). She is in the technical program committee for many International Conferences.

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