Rahimpour / Shirazi / Makarem | Crises in Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industries | Buch | 978-0-323-95163-0 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 450 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

Rahimpour / Shirazi / Makarem

Crises in Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industries

Loss Prevention and Disaster Management
Erscheinungsjahr 2023
ISBN: 978-0-323-95163-0
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Loss Prevention and Disaster Management

Buch, Englisch, 450 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

ISBN: 978-0-323-95163-0
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Crises in Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industries: Loss Prevention and Disaster Management, Volume Two provides an overview of both natural and manmade disasters occurring in oil, gas and petrochemical industries and prepares special solutions based on their types. The book focuses on loss prevention and disaster management in petrochemical industries from different points-of-view. Sections review methods for making the apparatus safer and continue with discussions on the process of facing and managing disasters during the occurrence. Final sections cover loss and economic analysis after disasters and methods of reversibility are presented with case studies from around the world.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Section I: Basics in oil, gas and petrochemical industries

1. Introduction to safe design and standards

2. Instruments vulnerability and resiliency

3. Risk analysis and hazard probabilities

Section II: Pre-disaster strategies in oil, gas and petrochemical industries

4. Heat generation and exchange systems safety: Furnaces, heat exchangers, reformers, etc

5. Pressurizing and work generation systems: compressors, turbines, etc

6. Reaction mediums and apparatus safety: reactors, columns, etc

7. Separation and purification apparatus safety: separators, trays, towers etc

8. Storage systems safety: vessels, reservoirs, etc

9. Chemicals Transporting Systems Safety: Pumps, Pipelines, and Valves

10. Safety in controlling systems and apparatus

11. Resilient units design and plant construction against future crises

Section III: During and postdisaster strategies in oil, gas and petrochemical industries

12. Crisis Management and Decision Making

Section IV: Post-disaster management in oil, gas and petrochemical industries

13. Post-disasters issues and problems

14. Economic analysis of disasters

Section V: Disaster case studies

15. Disasters cases in oil industry

16. Disasters cases in gas industry

17. Effectiveness of Floating Roof Sealing System Insulation for Crude-Oil Storage Tanks: A Case Study of Lightning Strikes

18. Explosion and Fire Following Earthquake Risk Assessment of Gas Pipelines in Urban Areas

Rahimpour, Mohammad Reza
Prof. Mohammad Reza Rahimpour is a professor in Chemical Engineering at Shiraz University, Iran. He received his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Shiraz University joint with University of Sydney, Australia 1988. He started his independent career as Assistant Professor in September 1998 at Shiraz University. Prof. M.R. Rahimpour, was a Research Associate at University of California, Davis from 2012 till 2017. During his stay in University of California, he developed different reaction networks and catalytic processes such as thermal and plasma reactors for upgrading of lignin bio-oil to biofuel with collaboration of UCDAVIS. He has been a Chair of Department of Chemical Engineering at Shiraz University from 2005 till 2009 and from 2015 till 2020. Prof. M.R. Rahimpour leads a research group in fuel processing technology focused on the catalytic conversion of fossil fuels such as natural gas, and renewable fuels such as bio-oils derived from lignin to valuable energy sources. He provides young distinguished scholars with perfect educational opportunities in both experimental methods and theoretical tools in developing countries to investigate in-depth research in the various field of chemical engineering including carbon capture, chemical looping, membrane separation, storage and utilization technologies, novel technologies for natural gas conversion and improving the energy efficiency in the production and use of natural gas industries.

Makarem, Mohammad Amin
Dr. Mohammad Amin Makarem is a research associate at Taylor's University, Malaysia. He former worked at Shiraz University. His research interests are gas separation and purification, nanofluids, microfluidics, catalyst synthesis, reactor design and green energy. In gas separation, his focus is on experimental and theoretical investigation and optimization of pressure swing adsorption process, and in the gas purification field, he is working on novel technologies such as microchannels. Recently, he has investigated methods of synthesizing bio-template nanomaterials and catalysts. Besides, he has collaborated in writing and editing various books and book-chapters for famous publishers such as Elsevier, Springer and Wiley, as well as guest editing journals special issues.

Shirazi, Nazanin Abrishami
Nazanin Abrishami Shirazi is a PhD Candidates at University of Tehran. Her focus is on vulnerability assessment in various fields including engineering apparatus and materials, and finding proper solutions for crisis prevention and environmental side effects management. Recently he has collaborated in writing and editing various scientific works including book chapters with prestigious publishers such Elsevier and Springer.

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