Rahman Khan / Quintanilla | Nematode Diseases of Crops and Their Sustainable Management | Buch | 978-0-323-91226-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 631 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 1520 g

Rahman Khan / Quintanilla

Nematode Diseases of Crops and Their Sustainable Management

Erscheinungsjahr 2023
ISBN: 978-0-323-91226-6
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Buch, Englisch, 631 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 1520 g

ISBN: 978-0-323-91226-6
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Nematode Diseases of Crops and their Sustainable Management focuses on methods to recognize and identify nematode attackers in agriculturally important crops, offering ecologically sustainable and economically viable strategies and measures for the management of nematode infestations and diseases. The book analyzes nematode pests as major constraints in global crop production and explores the limitations of existing nematode management technologies. It offers comprehensive information through individually focused chapters on major nematode problems in internationally important food, fiber and beverage crops as well as in mushrooms, polyhouse agriculture and forest flora with regard to distribution, and much more.

In view of the highly damaging nature of the disease complexes and complexity in their management, independent chapters on nematode-fungus and nematode-bacteria disease complexes and their management are also presented.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Plant nematode, hidden constraints in the global crop production
2. Nematode disease diagnosis, conventional and novel methods
3. Sustainable nematode management in crops, limitations and challenges
4. Conventional and innovative cultural methods of nematode management
5. Host resistance and transgenic plant for nematode management
6. Biological control strategies for nematode control
7. Botanicals and organic methods for nematode management
8. Integrated nematode management, an effective approach to achieve sustainable nematode management
9. Nematode problems and their sustainable management in wheat and barley
10. Nematode problems and their sustainable management in rice
11. Nematode problems and their sustainable management in maize
12. Nematode problems and their sustainable management in pulse crops
13. Nematode problems and their sustainable management in vegetable legumes
14. Nematode problems and their sustainable management in tomato, okra and other common vegetables
15. Nematode problems and their sustainable management in tuber crops
16. Nematode problems and their sustainable management in cucurbits
17. Nematode problems and their sustainable management in bulb crops
18. Nematode problems and their sustainable management oil seed crops
19. Nematode problems and their sustainable management in tropical fruits
20. Nematode problems and their sustainable management in temperate fruits
21. Nematode problems and their sustainable management in palms
22. Nematode problems and their sustainable management in spices
23. Nematode problems and their sustainable management in tea and coffee
24. Nematode problems and their sustainable management in cotton
25. Nematode problems and their sustainable management in tobacco
26. Nematode problems and their sustainable management in ornamental plants
27. Nematode problems and their sustainable management in medicinal plants
28. Nematode-fungus disease complexes and their sustainable management
29. Nematode-bacteria disease complexes and their sustainable management
30. Nematode diseases transmitted by insects and their management
31. Nematode transmitting plant viral diseases and their management
32. Nematode problems in polyhouse cultivation and their sustainable management in ornamental and vegetable crops
33. Nematode problems in mushrooms and their sustainable
34. Nematode problems and their sustainable management in forests

Rahman Khan, Mujeebur
Dr. Mujeebur Rahman Khan, Professor, Department of Plant Protection, Aligarh Muslim University is presently also Dean, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. He obtained Ph.D. Botany (Plant Pathology & Nematology) with Post Doc work at North Carolina State University, the California Department of Food and Agriculture, and at the Commonwealth Institute of Parasitology, London. He is a Fellow of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences and has served the Indian Phytopathological Society as a Zonal President. He has over 350 research publications on plant pathology/ Nematology and has authored and edited multiple books on Nematology and disease management in agricultural crops. He has presented at over 50 national and international conferences. His research focuses are chemical control, biological control and integrated management of plant diseases; effect of environmental contamination and climatic change on disease development; industrial waste utilization in crop protection; and green synthesis of nanoparticles and their application in plant protection.

Quintanilla, Marisol
Dr. Marisol Quintanilla is an Applied Nematologist at Michigan State University. Marisol grew up in a family farm in Chile and received her master's and doctoral degrees at MSU.

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