Ramkumar / James / Menier | Coastal Zone Management | Buch | 978-0-12-814350-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 568 Seiten, Format (B × H): 192 mm x 262 mm, Gewicht: 1180 g

Ramkumar / James / Menier

Coastal Zone Management

Global Perspectives, Regional Processes, Local Issues
Erscheinungsjahr 2018
ISBN: 978-0-12-814350-6
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Global Perspectives, Regional Processes, Local Issues

Buch, Englisch, 568 Seiten, Format (B × H): 192 mm x 262 mm, Gewicht: 1180 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-814350-6
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Coastal Zone Management: Global Perspectives, Regional Processes, Local Issues brings together a vast range of interdisciplinary data on coastal zones in a concise, yet exhaustive format that will be useful to students, researchers, and teachers. The book contains several focused sections, all of which include individual chapters written by subject experts with considerable experience in their fields of research. Each chapter presents the latest research and status of its focus, with a concluding endnote on future trends. Topics covered in the book include the sea level and climate changes, evolution of coastlines, land-use dynamics and coastal hazards mitigation and management.

The global coast has faced the force of both climate hange and natural disasters, which continue to result in the loss of human life and degradation of quality of the coastal environment. Coastal Zone Management: Global Perspectives, Regional Processes, Local Issues provides the latest developments and key strategies to tackle this in a single comprehensive volume. It is an essential reference for scientists and researchers well-read on coastal zones, as well as those new to the subject.
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<p>researchers, field practitioners, policy/decision makers in coastal area management and development and geomorphologists.</p>

Weitere Infos & Material

1. Coastal Zone Management During Changing Climate and Rising Sea Level: Transcendence of Institutional, Geographic, and Subject Field Barriers Is the Key

Part 1: Sealevel cycles and oceanography 2. Development of Ideas and New Trends in Modern Sea Level Research: The pre-Quaternary, Quaternary, Present and Future

Part 2: Shoreline and coastal changes 3. Typology and Mechanisms of Coastal Erosion in Siliciclastic Rocks of the Northwest Borneo Coastline (Sarawak, Malaysia): A Field Approach 4. Monitoring Spatial and Temporal Scales of Shoreline Changes in the Cuddalore Region, India 5. Shoreline Evolution Under the Influence of Oceanographic and Monsoon Dynamics: The Case of Terengganu, Malaysia 6. Spatial and Statistical Analyses of Clifftop Retreat in the Gulf ofMorbihan and Quiberon Peninsula, France: Implications on Cliff Evolution and Coastal Zone Management 7. Erosional Responses of Eastern and Western Coastal Regions of India, Under Global, Regional, and Local Scale Causes 8. Influences of Inherited Structures, and Longshore Hydrodynamics Over the Spatio-Temporal Coastal Dynamics Along the G^avres-Penthievre,South Brittany, France 9. Temporal Trends of Breaker Waves and Beach Morphodynamics Along the Central Tamil Nadu Coast, India

Part 3: Coastal hydrogeology 10. Assessing Coastal Aquifer to Seawater Intrusion: Application of the GALDIT Method to the Cuddalore Aquifer, India 11. An Assessment of the Administrative-Legal, Physical-Natural,and Socio-Economic Subsystems of the Bay of Saint Brieuc, France: Implications for Effective Coastal Zone Management

Part 4: Coastal Sediment Geochemistry 12. Geochemical Characterization of Beach Sediments of Miri, NW Borneo, SE Asia: Implications on Provenance, Weathering Intensity, and Assessment of Coastal Environmental Status 13. Multimarker Pollution Studies Along the East Coast of Southern India 14. Chromium Fractionation in the River Sediments and its Implicationson the Coastal Environment: A Case Study in the Cauvery Delta, Southeast Coast of India 15. Seasonal Variations of Groundwater Geochemistry in Coastal Aquifers, Pondicherry Region, South India 16. Anthropogenic Influence of Heavy Metal Pollution on the Southeast Coast of India

Part 5:  Coastal Zone Management Concepts and Applications

17. Adaptation Strategies to Address Rising Water Tables in Coastal Environments Under Future Climate and Sea-Level Rise Scenarios 18. Analytic Hierarchy Process to Weigh Groundwater Management Criteria in Coastal Regions 19. Interlinking of Rivers as a Strategy to Mitigate Coeval Floodsand Droughts: India in Focus With Perspectives on Coastal Zone Management 20. Utility of Landsat Data for Assessing Mangrove Degradation in Muthupet Lagoon, South India 21. Recent Morphobathymetrical Changes of the Vilaine Estuary(South Brittany, France): Discrimination of Natural and Anthropogenic Forcings and Assessment for Future Trends 22. Impact of Seaweed Farming on Socio-Economic Development of a Fishing Community in Palk Bay, Southeast Coast of India 23. Habitat Risk Assessment Along Coastal Tamil Nadu, India-An Integrated Methodology for Mitigating Coastal Hazards

James, Arthur
Dr. R. Arthur James is Associate Professor and head of the department of Marine Sciences, Bharathidasan University. He obtained his bachelor and master degree in geology from V.O.C. College, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, and PhD in Environmental Sciences, from Institute for Ocean Management, Anna University, Chennai. His research interests are land ocean interaction, coastal zone management and geo-microbiology. He has published 47 SCI articles in national and international journals. He was the recipient of Young Scientist award from DST, Young Investigator award from DBT, Dongsha research award from Taiwan ROC. He reviewed about forty manuscript from Elsevier, Springer journals. He serves as Associate Editor in Frontiers in Marine science (Marine pollution) journal since 2013.

Menier, David
Dr.David Menier is Associate Professor and holder of Professorial Diploma (2011) of Stratigraphy and Seismic Stratigraphy at University of South Brittany. He obtained B.Sc. in Biology and Geology (1993), M.Sc. in Biology (1995), Agrégation and CAPES (Teaching certificates, 1996) in Earth Science and Natural Sciences, M.Sc in Earth Sciences (1999), and PhD in Earth Sciences and Marine Geosciences (2003) from Rennes city University, France. He was Head of the Earth and Life Science department at the University of South Brittany (2004-2009) and Research Team Leader (2010-2012, GMGL, CNRS UMR 6538). He has supervised few dozen masters student projects and 10 doctoral research students.

He specializes in Seismic Stratigraphy, Sequence Stratigraphy and Sedimentology (both clastic and carbonate). He ran numerous shallow marine seismic surveys and coring campaigns along the French Atlantic passive margin coasts (Bay of Biscay) and the Strait of Malacca, where he was also chief scientist. He has worked in the field in Morocco, South Africa, and in Asia (West and East Malaysia). His research interest ranges from field scale process-oriented studies to large-scale models to explore how coastal and shelf systems respond to changes in relative sea level and climate.

He has published 3 books, about 120 papers, abstracts, in different national and international peer-reviewed journals. He serves as reviewer of 10 major geological journals. He is a recipient of a yearly bonus for scientific excellence (2009-2013 and 2015-2019) from Ministry of Higher Education and Research, France.

K, Kumaraswamy
Prof.Dr. K. Kumaraswamy obtained his Bachelor Degree in Geography (1977) from Government Arts College, Coimbatore, M. Sc., (1979) in Geography and Ph.D., (1986) in Water Resources Management from University of Madras, Chennai. He was Madras University First Rank holder in Graduate and Post-Graduate Studies. He was awarded UGC and CSIR Fellowships for his Doctoral Degree and Research Associateship Programmes at University of Madras. His advanced trainings were at Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehra Dun, India (1996) and at Water Resources Research Centre, Budapest, Hungary (1993). In both the programmes he was awarded Distinction for his meritorious studies. He is associated with the UNESCO and German IHP/OHP programs and participated in a number of activities in The Netherlands (1993), Thailand (1994), Sweden (1995), Thailand (1995), Singapore (1995), France (1997), Thailand (1998), Germany (2001), Sri Lanka (2004) and Canada (2011). He has guided 18 Ph.D., candidates and 75 M. Phil., / M. Tech., students. To his credit he has published more than 100 research papers in national / international journals/proceedings and authored 11 books in Remote Sensing, GIS, Water Resources and Environmental Studies. He has organized 19 national level conferences/workshops in Bharathidasan University. He is a life member / different positions in 15 National / international Associations. He was awarded Prof. B. M. Thirunaranan Award for his continuous research in geography by the Indian Geographical Society, Chennai. He is specialized in Water Resources Management, Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System and teaches M. Tech. Geoinformatics programme. He was the Director of Council for College and Curriculum Development (CCCD) between 2004 - 2007 & 2013-2014; Head of the Department of Geography from 2009 to 2012 and Warden of the Hostels of Bharathidasan University for 10 years. From January 2015 onwards, he heads the Department of Geography and Coordinator of the UGC - SAP - DRS I & II Programmes, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli. From 2009 onwards, he has become the Editor of the Indian Geographical Journal, Chennai. Now he is the Head of the Department of Geography and Syndicate Member of the University. Recently he has been awarded with UGC-One Time Grant (2015-16) and UGC - BSR Fellowship (2016 - 2019) to conduct advanced research in earth sciences.

Ramkumar, Mu
Dr. Mu. Ramkumar obtained his B.Sc. and Ph.D. from National College, Bharathidasan University, masters in geology from Annamalai University. His research interests range from Recent-Paleozoic depositional systems and integrated sequence-chemostratigraphy, and basin evolution. He has published about 100 articles author of 5 books (Cretaceous Sea Level Cycles, Marine Paleobiodiversity, Habitat Heterogeneity, Chemostratigraphy, River Basin etc.) and editor of 6 books published/in press by Elsevier, Springer, Wiley etc. He is a member of National Working Group on IGCP?609 Cretaceous Sea Level Cycles. He worked as research team leader and member in national international labs in India, Germany, Malaysia, France. He was the recipient of the prestigious Alexander Von Humboldt Fellowship, Visiting Scientist (thrice), Germany, Visiting Professor (France), Young Scientist (twice), Government of India, and was included in the Marquee's Who's Who directory (USA) for 5 consecutive years. He was nominated for the prestigious Merh Award (Geological Society of India) for his work on Geomorphology. He serves as a member in review and editorial panels of about two dozen international geological journals.

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