Rammelt / Swords / Dhillon | Manual of Fracture Management - Foot and Ankle | Medienkombination | 978-3-13-243458-5 | sack.de

Medienkombination, Englisch, 660 Seiten, Hardback (Thread Stitching), Format (B × H): 210 mm x 280 mm, Gewicht: 2178 g

Rammelt / Swords / Dhillon

Manual of Fracture Management - Foot and Ankle

1. Auflage 2019
ISBN: 978-3-13-243458-5
Verlag: Thieme

Medienkombination, Englisch, 660 Seiten, Hardback (Thread Stitching), Format (B × H): 210 mm x 280 mm, Gewicht: 2178 g

ISBN: 978-3-13-243458-5
Verlag: Thieme

A practical, hands-on manual for surgeons of all levels on the management of foot and ankle trauma.

The approaches are presented in a systematic, casebased format, ranging from simple to more complex cases. It provides step-by-step coverage of a wide range of basic to advanced techniques and procedures for the management of fractures, dislocations and soft tissue injuries of the foot and ankle. While a single case can be approached in a variety of ways, this book seeks to provide important guidelines which apply to most situations that may arise in foot and ankle injuries. It will be of value to anyone providing care for foot and ankle injuries.

This book focuses on: - General considerations in foot and ankle surgery
- Clinical and radiographic evaluation
- Decision-making and options for nonoperative treatment
- Preoperative planning
- Surgical approaches
- Avoiding pitfalls
- Managing risks and complications
- Alternative techniques
- Postoperative rehabilitation

Key features include: - Contributions from 48 surgeons from 14 countries
- 59 detailed cases covering a comprehensive range of foot and ankle injuries
- More than 1,650 high-quality illustrations and images
Rammelt / Swords / Dhillon Manual of Fracture Management - Foot and Ankle jetzt bestellen!



Weitere Infos & Material

1 General considerations in foot and ankle surgery
Distal tibia
2 Distal tibia/pilon fractures
Section 1 Metaphyseal fractures with joint involvement
Section 2 Complex articular fractures
Section 3 Complex articular fractures with compromised soft tissues
3 Malleolar fractures
Section 1 Malleolar fractures with a stable syndesmosis
Section 2 Malleolar fractures with syndesmotic disruption
Section 3 Malleolar fractures with partial joint impaction
4 Calcaneal fractures
Section 1 Peripheral fractures
Section 2 Central fractures
5 Talar fractures and dislocations
Section 1 Peripheral fractures
Section 2 Central fractures
Section 3 Dislocations
6 Midfoot injuries
Section 1 Chopart joint injuries
Section 2 Tarsometatarsal/intertarsal joint injuries (Lisfranc)
7 Metatarsal fractures
Section 1 First metatarsal fracture
Section 2 Second to fourth metatarsal fractures
Section 3 Fifth metatarsal base fracture
Phalanges and sesamoid
8 Phalangeal and sesamoid fractures and dislocations
Section 1 Great toe fracture
Section 2 Lesser toe fracture and dislocation
Section 3 Sesamoid fracture

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