Ravindran / Bhat / Griffiths | Transformation of Liquid Waste to Energy | Buch | 978-0-443-33683-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

Ravindran / Bhat / Griffiths

Transformation of Liquid Waste to Energy

Methods, Challenges and Opportunities
Erscheinungsjahr 2025
ISBN: 978-0-443-33683-6
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Methods, Challenges and Opportunities

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

ISBN: 978-0-443-33683-6
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Transformation of Liquid Waste to Energy: Methods, Challenges and Opportunities brings together the latest developments, technologies, and approaches for the transformation of organic waste into energy, enabling the reader to tackle head-on the challenges of valorizing waste as bioenergy. The book focuses on liquid waste, notably covering wastewater treatment and energy recovery, the production of biofuels, and microbial fuel cells, as well as high-rate anaerobic processes and utilization of municipal/industrial wastewater for energy recovery. Each chapter presents the latest developments in transforming different types of liquid waste into bioenergy and discusses conventional methods alongside novel and emerging technologies.

This new volume in the Woodhead Series in Bioenergy is of interest to all those with an interest in waste-to-energy, bioenergy, waste management, chemical engineering, and sustainability, including researchers, advanced students, faculty, engineers, scientists, R&D, industrial practitioners, and policymakers.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Role of Waste-to-Energy in Sustainable Development: Greenhouse gas emissions reduction and promoting circular economy principles
2. Recent developments of high-rate anaerobic processes for wastewater treatment and energy recovery (biomethane and biohydrogen)
3. Utilization of municipal wastewater for energy recovery
4. Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) for energy generation: Current progress and future perspectives
5. Recent advances on microalgal biomass to bioenergy conversion
6. Biodiesel production from waste cooking oil
7. Wastewater Treatment and Sustainable Energy Production Through Microalgae: An Integrated Approach
8. Sustainable energy production from landfill leachate
9. Marine microbes: a potential source for the conversion of agricultural waste into ethanol through fermentation
10. Development of Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) for Energy Generation and Environmental Applications: Challenges and Future Outlook
11. From farm to bytes: sustainable strategies to manage new age wastes
12. A review of advancement in ANN constituted cavitation-assisted strategies for the synthesis of biodiesel and the significance of different saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in the final product.
13. Strategical tactics on sewage sludge handling management: Characterization, treatment, energy recovery, and reuse applications aspects
14. Beyond Recycling: Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of Source - Reduction and Green Manufacturing for Sustainable Production

Griffiths, Gareth
Prof. Gareth Griffiths is an internationally recognized research biochemist specializing in lipid biochemistry, currently based at the European Bioenergy Research Institute at Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom. Renowned for his pioneering work on triacylglycerol and polyunsaturated fatty acid synthesis, his research is now focused on developing microalgae for high value products and biofuels, and, in particular, green microalgae and their extracted protein and lipid components. Prof. Griffiths has published over 60 research articles, and his work has gained more than 3,000 citations.

Ravindran, Balasubramani
Dr. Balasubramani Ravindran is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental Energy and Engineering, at Kyonggi University, Suwon-Si, South Korea. His research focuses on solid waste treatment and wastewater generated from domestic and industrial sources through aerobic and anaerobic fermentation, composting and vermicomposting, activated carbon, biochar or black carbon amendments, nanotechnology applications, and phytotoxic/plant growth studies. Dr. Ravindran has over 150 publications in international peer-reviewed journals, filed patents, edited books, and published book chapters. He has received national and international research grant funds for his research projects. He serves as an academic editor, editorial board member, or guest editor on several international journals.

Bhat, Sartaj Ahmad
Dr. Sartaj Ahmad Bhat is working as a JSPS Postdoctoral Researcher at the River Basin Research Center, Gifu University, Japan. He received his Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences from Guru Nanak Dev University, India, in 2017. His primary research focuses on the development and evaluation of treatment technologies for organic waste and wastewater from domestic and industrial outlets as well as organic waste recycling, with a focus on the biological and sustainable treatment by earthworms. He has published over 60 papers in peer-reviewed journals and co-edited 13 books. Dr. Bhat serves as an associate/academic editor, editorial board member, or advisory board member on more than 15 journals. He has been awarded several postdoctoral/research fellowships, and has also received the 2020 Outstanding Reviewer Award from the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health and Top Peer Reviewer 2019 award for Environment and Ecology (Web of Science).

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