Redmayne | Equity Warrants | Buch | 978-1-85564-656-8 |

Buch, Englisch, 196 Seiten


Equity Warrants

2. Auflage 1998
ISBN: 978-1-85564-656-8
Verlag: Euromoney

Buch, Englisch, 196 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-85564-656-8
Verlag: Euromoney

This book examines two types of equity warrants:

those issued directly by the company into its own equity or into the equity of a company in which has a stake
covered warrants, which are issued by a third party and are exercisable into the shares of another, unrelated company, a bundle of shares or sometimes a stock exchange index.

By reading this book, you will find out about:

The basic terms and conditions of equity warrants – their definitions and explanations
The different statistical and mathematical methods of analyzing a warrant’s value
How to determine the appropriateness of the equity warrant as a capital instrument from an issuer’s viewpoint
The investor’s perspective on the equity warrant compared to other capital market instruments
Statistical and descriptive analysis of the main markets for equity warrants – the Euromarkets and the Swiss domestic market
The growth of the covered warrant activity in the Euromarkets
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