Redwood | The Archival Politics of International Courts | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch

Reihe: Cambridge Studies in Law and Society

Redwood The Archival Politics of International Courts

E-Book, Englisch

Reihe: Cambridge Studies in Law and Society

ISBN: 978-1-108-95688-8
Verlag: Cambridge University Press
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

The archives produced by international courts have received little empirical, theoretical or methodological attention within international criminal justice (ICJ) or international relations (IR) studies. Yet, as this book argues, these archives both contain a significant record of past violence, and also help to constitute the international community as a particular reality. As such, this book first offers an interdisciplinary reading of archives, integrating new insights from IR, archival science and post-colonial anthropology to establish the link between archives and community formation. It then focuses on the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda's archive, to offer a critical reading of how knowledge is produced in international courts, provides an account of the type of international community that is imagined within these archives, and establishes the importance of the materiality of archives for understanding how knowledge is produced and contested within the international domain.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. The politics of archival knowledge in international courts; 2. The international criminal tribunal for Rwanda and its archive; 3: The force of law; 4. Contesting the archive; 5. Reconstituting justice; 6. Imagining community; 7. The residual mechanism and the archive.

Redwood, Henry Alexander
Henry Redwood is Lecturer in International Relations at London South Bank University. He is co-editor of Reconciliation (2021), co-author of Impact and International Affairs (2021), and has published withs Review of International Studies (2019), Millennium (2020) and Critical Studies on Security (2021).

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