Regulatory T Cells in Health and Disease | Buch | 978-0-12-803415-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 300 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 660 g

Regulatory T Cells in Health and Disease

Buch, Englisch, 300 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 660 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-803415-6
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Regulatory T Cells in Health and Disease focuses on the mechanism by which T cells become regulatory T cells, the processes which control the number of regulatory T cells in the blood and tissue, and the ways in which regulatory T cell prevent autoimmune disease and interact with infections and cancer.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- Transcriptional and Epigenetic Regulation of Regulatory T Cell Development
Yohko Kitagawa, James Badger Wing and Shimon Sakaguchi
- Microenvironment Matters: Unique Conditions within Gut Draining Lymph Nodes Favor Efficient de Novo Induction of Regulatory T Cells
Maria Pasztoi, Joern Pezoldt and Jochen Huehn
- The Roles of the Nf-?b Pathway in Regulatory T Cell Development and Function
Thomas S. Fulford, Darcy Ellis and Steve Gerondakis
- The Molecular Control of Regulatory T Cell Induction
Annemarie van Nieuwenhuijze and Adrian Liston
- The Special Relationship in the Development and Function of T Helper 17 and Regulatory T Cells
Matthias Lochner, Zuobai Wang and Tim Sparwasser
- Mechanisms of Surveillance of Dendritic Cells by Regulatory T Lymphocytes
Maxime Dhainaut and Muriel Moser
- Development and Function of Effector Regulatory T cells
Peggy P. Teh, Ajithkumar Vasanthakumar and Axel Kallies
- Treg Cell Differentiation: from Thymus to Peripheral Tissue
David M. Richards, Michael Delacher, Yael Goldfarb, Danny Kägebein,  Ann-Cathrin Hofer, Jakub Abramson  and Markus Feuerer
- Regulatory T Cells in Arthritis
Noriko Komatsu and Hiroshi Takayanagi
- The Immune Fulcrum: Regulatory T Cells Tip the Balance Between Pro- and  Anti-Inflammatory Outcomes Upon Infection
Laura E. Richert-Spuhler and Jennifer M. Lund
- Regulatory T Cells in Autoimmune Diabetes: Mechanisms of Action and Translational Potential
Vitalijs Ovcinnikovs and Lucy S.K. Walker

Liston, Adrian
Adrian Liston is Professor in Autoimmune Genetics at the University of Leuven and the VIB, Belgium. His PhD research was on T cell tolerance and diabetes with Professor Chris Goodnow at the Australian National University, followed by post-doctoral research on regulatory T cell biology with Professor Sasha Rudensky at the University of Washington. The Liston laboratory is supported by an ERC Start Grant, a JDRF Career Development Award, a VIB Investigators Award and grants from the FWO and KUL. Adrian Liston has published more than 70 papers, with over 3000 citations, including key publications on the function of Aire in thymic tolerance, defective tolerance in the NOD mouse, the contribution of immunodeficiency to autoimmunity, microRNA function in regulatory T cells, the discovery of the follicular regulatory T cell, the role of microRNA in the thymic epithelium and the homeostatic control over regulatory T cells.

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