Renehan | Openness with Roots | Buch | 978-1-4438-5350-7 |

Buch, Englisch, 130 Seiten


Openness with Roots

Education in Religion in Irish Primary Schools

Buch, Englisch, 130 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-4438-5350-7
Verlag: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

This book considers the historical legacy and current debate concerning Education in Religion in the Republic of Ireland with specific reference to the primary school sector under Catholic denominational patronage. Given Ireland’s increased religious, non-religious and cultural diversity today, it is no longer tenable that approximately ninety percent of the country’s schools should remain largely under the control of one particular patronage. On the one hand, it is the duty of the State to provide for diverse forms of school management in order to cater for the educational needs of Irish school children. On the other hand, it is the business of the Catholic Church to realise its moral responsibility towards children in their schools whose parents and guardians do not wish for them to be educated in, or witness celebrations of, a faith tradition or set of values other than that to which they espouse. The purpose of the book, therefore, is to consider two contrasting issues by way of contribution to the current debate arising from the complexity of Ireland’s relatively unique context. The first questions the appropriateness of Irish State primary schools to continue to provide for denominational religious education given the changing situation in Irish life. The second enquires if it is appropriate to expect denominational schools to provide an exclusively phenomenological programme of religion without undermining their mission to educate in a given faith tradition. Therein, however, is the kernel of the problem and one which the book explores.
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Renehan, Caroline
Caroline Renehan is Head of Religious Studies and Religious Education in St Patrick’s College, Drumcondra. She is a graduate of the Mater Dei Institute of Education, and holds a PhD in Divinity from the University of Edinburgh and a PhD in Education from the Institute of Education, University of London. She taught for many years at John of God and Loreto College secondary schools in Dublin. She subsequently served as a Diocesan Adviser in the Archdiocese of Dublin, the first National Director for Catechetics in Ireland and as the Director of Teaching Practice at the Mater Dei Institute at Dublin City University. She is the author of The Chaplain: A Faith Presence in the School Community; Different Planets?: Gender Attitudes and Classroom Practice in Post-Primary Teaching; and I am Mary, I am Woman – Approaches to the People’s Mary.

Caroline Renehan is Head of Religious Studies and Religious Education in St Patrick’s College, Drumcondra. She is a graduate of the Mater Dei Institute of Education, and holds a PhD in Divinity from the University of Edinburgh and a PhD in Education from the Institute of Education, University of London. She taught for many years at John of God and Loreto College secondary schools in Dublin. She subsequently served as a Diocesan Adviser in the Archdiocese of Dublin, the first National Director for Catechetics in Ireland and as the Director of Teaching Practice at the Mater Dei Institute at Dublin City University. She is the author of The Chaplain: A Faith Presence in the School Community; Different Planets?: Gender Attitudes and Classroom Practice in Post-Primary Teaching; and I am Mary, I am Woman – Approaches to the People’s Mary.

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