Renga | Iel Social Security Law in Italy | Buch | 978-90-411-3321-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 184 Seiten


Iel Social Security Law in Italy

1. Auflage 2010
ISBN: 978-90-411-3321-2
Verlag: Wolters Kluwer

Buch, Englisch, 184 Seiten

ISBN: 978-90-411-3321-2
Verlag: Wolters Kluwer

Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this book describes the social security regime in Italy. It conveys a clear working knowledge of the legal mechanics affecting health care, employment injuries and occupational diseases, incapacity to work, pensions, survivors’ benefits, unemployment benefits and services, and family benefits. The analysis covers the field of application, conditions for entitlement, calculation of benefits, financing, the institutional framework, and relevant law enforcement and controls. Allowances for retirees, employees, public sector workers, the self-employed, and the handicapped are all clearly explained, along with full details of claims, adjudication procedures, and appeals. Succinct yet eminently practical, the book will be a valuable resource for lawyers handling social security matters in Italy. It will be of practical utility to those both in public service and private practice called on to develop and to apply social security law and policy, and of special interest as a contribution to the comparative study of social security systems.
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Weitere Infos & Material

The Author List of Abbreviations General Introduction Selected Bibliography Part I. The Institutions Chapter 1. The Organizational Structure of the Social Security System Chapter 2. INPS, INPDAP, and INAIL Chapter 3. Patronage Institutes Part II. Contribution and Financing Chapter 1. Contributions Chapter 2. The Taxable Base Chapter 3. Measures of Protection for the Insurance Position of the Worker Chapter 4. Social Security Contribution Reduction and Relief from Contributions Part III. Health Care Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. The National Health Service Chapter 3. Sickness Benefits for Common Diseases Chapter 4. Compulsory Tuberculosis Insurance Part IV. Family Allowances Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Time off from Work to Assist Family Members Chapter 3. Rest and Leave of Absence Chapter 4. Family Income Support Chapter 5. Pensions and Industrial Accidents Benefits Chapter 6. Citizenship Benefits Part V. Social Insurance for Invalidity Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Requirements Chapter 3. Benefits Chapter 4. The Civil Service Part VI. Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases Chapter 1. An Outline of Social Protection for Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases Chapter 2. The Financing of the Scheme Chapter 3. Field of Application Chapter 4. Industrial Injury Chapter 5. Occupational Diseases Chapter 6. Benefits Chapter 7. Employer’s Civil Liability Chapter 8. The Procedure Chapter 9. Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases in the Invalidity Pensions Scheme 101 Chapter 10. Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases Schemes for State and Local Authority Employees Part VII. Unemployment Chapter 1. The Social Security System for the Unemployed Chapter 2. Unemployment Insurance Chapter 3. Short-Time Earning Funds Chapter 4. Mobility Allowance Part VIII. Pensions Chapter 1. Evolution Chapter 2. Obligatory Social Insurance for Old-Age Coverage in the Private Sector: The Pay-Based Regime Chapter 3. Obligatory Social Insurance for Old Age in the Private Sector: The Contribution System Chapter 4. Relief in Relation to Fulfillment of Contribution Conditions Chapter 5. Self-Employed and Freelance Pensions Chapter 6. Public-Sector Workers’ Pensions Chapter 7. Supplementary Social Security Part IX. Social Assistance Chapter 1. The Social Assistance System Chapter 2. Minimum Earnings Supplement Chapter 3. The Social Allowance Chapter 4. Social Assistance for Civil Invalidity and War Pensions Chapter 5. Family Benefits Part X. Protection of Pension Rights and Contribution Credits Chapter 1. The Protection of Pension Rights Chapter 2. Protection of Contributory Credit Chapter 3. Contentious Procedures Index

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