Reuvid | Start Up Wise | Buch | 978-1-78955-026-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 144 Seiten, Format (B × H): 129 mm x 198 mm, Gewicht: 500 g


Start Up Wise

Buch, Englisch, 144 Seiten, Format (B × H): 129 mm x 198 mm, Gewicht: 500 g

ISBN: 978-1-78955-026-9
Verlag: Legend Press Ltd

'The perfect concise guide to creating your own company from scratch: brilliant' Graham Richards

The Seven Stages to Launch You to Success

There is much to consider when starting a business. Knowing what to do first, whether you have a concept that works for you, what resources to access and how to get started can be overwhelming and seemingly-complicated.

Start-Up Wise is a comprehensive, all-in-one-place guide providing everything you need to know for your journey, outlining seven key steps on how to start, manage and develop your business:

- Generating, developing and confirming your business ideas 
- Correct legal structure and brand identity 
- Realistic business plan 
- Financial and tax obligations 
- Funding options 
- Cost and time-effective business systems  
- Building and growing your business for the future 

It is important to understand why you are starting a business and then to focus on ideas and steps that will build your ideal growing and successful business. Start-Up Wise has compiled all of the key information in one guide to help you achieve this.
Jonathan Reuvid is a former economist for French oil company Total and later Director of European Operations of the manufacturing subsidiaries of a Fortune 500 multinational before engaging in joint ventures and start-ups in China. He is an experienced business writer having authored and edited over 80 business books.
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Reuvid, Jonathan
Jonathan Reuvid originated and has edited ten editions of Managing Business Risk in association with the Institute of Risk Management (IRM), eight editions of Personal Wealth Management with the Institute of Directors (IoD) and eight editions of Investors’ Guide to the United Kingdom. Jonathan has edited similar guides to a number of developing countries: all the Central and Eastern European countries that became EU members in May 2004, Morocco in 2010 and an acclaimed series of guides to doing business with China. An Oxford MA, Jonathan was formerly an economist with the French national oil company, Total, and later Director of European Operations for a US Fortune 500 precision components manufacturer.

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