Suryanarayana Kajampady is currently a Professor and Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at NMAMIT, India. He obtained his B.E. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Mangalore University, M.Tech. in System Analysis and Computer Applications from Karnataka Regional Engineering College, India, and Ph.D. in the area of Power Electronics from VTU, India. His major areas of research interest include power electronics, control systems, EVs, and signal processing. He has published papers in journals and conferences of national and international repute. He is a Member of IEEE and ISSI.
Shripad T. Revankar is a Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Director of the Multiphase and Fuel Cell Research Laboratory in the School of Nuclear Engineering at Purdue University, India. He received his B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. in physics from Karnatak University, India, and his M.Eng. in Nuclear Engineering from McMaster University, Canada. Healso serves as BK21 Plus Visiting Professor in the Division of Advanced Nuclear Engineering at Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), South Korea. He has done pioneering work in niche technical areas including advanced reactor systems, reactor safety, reactor thermal hydraulics, composite fuel for advanced nuclear reactors, instrumentation, multiphase flow and heat transfer, microgravity multiphase flow, direct energy conversion, hybrid power systems, nuclear hydrogen generation, solar energy storage, packed bed reactor, renewable energy, and fuel cell technology. He has published more than 400 peer-reviewed technical articles in archival scientific journals and conference proceedings and Author/Co-author of 7 books. He is a Life Member of the American Nuclear Society (ANS), American Society of Mechanical Engineer (ASME), American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), Korean Nuclear Society (KNS), and Indian Society for Heat and Mass Transfer (ISHMT). He received Technical Achievement Award from the American Nuclear Society Thermal Hydraulics Division in 2019 for his significant contributions to reactor thermal hydraulics through experiments and for the modeling of phenomena important in the analysis of nuclear reactor safety and applications.