Reyes / Brittson / O'Shea | Cyber Crime Investigations | Buch | 978-1-59749-133-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 432 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 680 g

Reyes / Brittson / O'Shea

Cyber Crime Investigations

Bridging the Gaps Between Security Professionals, Law Enforcement, and Prosecutors
1. Auflage 2007
ISBN: 978-1-59749-133-4
Verlag: Syngress

Bridging the Gaps Between Security Professionals, Law Enforcement, and Prosecutors

Buch, Englisch, 432 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 680 g

ISBN: 978-1-59749-133-4
Verlag: Syngress

Written by a former NYPD cyber cop, this is the only book available that discusses the hard questions cyber crime investigators are asking.

The book begins with the chapter "What is Cyber Crime?� This introductory chapter describes the most common challenges faced by cyber investigators today. The following chapters discuss the methodologies behind cyber investigations; and frequently encountered pitfalls. Issues relating to cyber crime definitions, the electronic crime scene, computer forensics, and preparing and presenting a cyber crime investigation in court will be examined. Not only will these topics be generally be discussed and explained for the novice, but the hard questions -the questions that have the power to divide this community- will also be examined in a comprehensive and thoughtful manner.

This book will serve as a foundational text for the cyber crime community to begin to move past current difficulties into its next evolution.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1: Introduction: The Problem at Hand
Chapter 2: Cyber Crime Vs. Traditional Crime
Chapter 3: Criminal Vs. Civil
Chapter 4: Cyber Investigative Roles
Chapter 5: Incident Response
Chapter 6: Crime Scene Documentation
Chapter 7: Evidence Collection
Chapter 8: Conducting Cyber Investigations
Chapter 9: Computer Forensics
Chapter 10: Analyzing Data
Chapter 11: Preparing for Prosecution and Testifying in Court
Chapter 12: Summary

O'Shea, Kevin
Kevin O'Shea is a Homeland Security and Intelligence Specialist for the Technical Analysis Group in the Justiceworks program at the University of New Hampshire. Kevin assisted in the development of the NH Strategic Plan to Combat Cyber Crime and currently supports the implementation of the Strategic Plan. Kevin has authored and coauthored a number of high-tech training programs for the law enforcement community and has assisted in the development of a new digital forensics paradigm in use in N.H.

Prior to working at the University of New Hampshire, he was a Research Associate for Project Management within the Technical Analysis Group in the Institute for Security Technology Studies at Dartmouth College. He was a member of the research team and substantive author of three critical national reports to document and present the most pressing impediments facing the law-enforcement community when investigating and responding to cyber attacks: Law Enforcement Tools and Technologies for Investigating Cyber Attacks: A National Needs Assessment, Gap Analysis, and the Research and Development Agenda.

Reyes, Anthony
Anthony Reyes is a retired Detective with the New York City Police Department's Computer Crimes Squad. During his assignment with the Computer Crimes Squad, he investigated computer intrusion, fraud, identity theft, child exploitation, and software piracy. Detective Reyes previously sat as an alternate member of New York Governor George E. Pataki's Cyber-Security Task Force. Mr. Reyes is a member of the New York State Internet Crimes Against Children Taskforce. He is also a member of the National Institute of Justice Electronic Crime Partnership Initiative (ECPI). Additionally, he is a member of the High Technology Crime Investigation Association (HTCIA), and served as the President in 2005 of the Association's Northeast Chapter.

Anthony Reyes is a retired Detective with the New York City Police Department's Computer Crimes Squad. During his assignment with the Computer Crimes Squad, he investigated computer intrusion, fraud, identity theft, child exploitation, and software piracy. Detective Reyes previously sat as an alternate member of New York Governor George E. Pataki's Cyber-Security Task Force. Mr. Reyes is a member of the New York State Internet Crimes Against Children Taskforce. He is also a member of the National Institute of Justice Electronic Crime Partnership Initiative (ECPI). Additionally, he is a member of the High Technology Crime Investigation Association (HTCIA), and served as the President in 2005 of the Association's Northeast Chapter.

Kevin O'Shea is a Homeland Security and Intelligence Specialist for the Technical Analysis Group in the Justiceworks program at the University of New Hampshire. Kevin assisted in the development of the NH Strategic Plan to Combat Cyber Crime and currently supports the implementation of the Strategic Plan. Kevin has authored and coauthored a number of high-tech training programs for the law enforcement community and has assisted in the development of a new digital forensics paradigm in use in N.H.

Prior to working at the University of New Hampshire, he was a Research Associate for Project Management within the Technical Analysis Group in the Institute for Security Technology Studies at Dartmouth College. He was a member of the research team and substantive author of three critical national reports to document and present the most pressing impediments facing the law-enforcement community when investigating and responding to cyber attacks: Law Enforcement Tools and Technologies for Investigating Cyber Attacks: A National Needs Assessment, Gap Analysis, and the Research and Development Agenda.

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