Reynders / Mackay / Wright | Practical Industrial Data Communications | Buch | 978-0-7506-6395-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 432 Seiten, Format (B × H): 189 mm x 246 mm, Gewicht: 940 g

Reynders / Mackay / Wright

Practical Industrial Data Communications

Best Practice Techniques
Erscheinungsjahr 2004
ISBN: 978-0-7506-6395-3
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Best Practice Techniques

Buch, Englisch, 432 Seiten, Format (B × H): 189 mm x 246 mm, Gewicht: 940 g

ISBN: 978-0-7506-6395-3
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

The objective of this book is to outline the best practice in designing, installing, commissioning and troubleshooting industrial data communications systems. In any given plant, factory or installation there are a myriad of different industrial communications standards used and the key to successful implementation is the degree to which the entire system integrates and works together.

With so many different standards on the market today, the debate is not about what is the best - be it Foundation Fieldbus, Profibus, Devicenet or Industrial Ethernet but rather about selecting the most appropriate technologies and standards for a given application and then ensuring that best practice is followed in designing, installing and commissioning the data communications links to ensure they run fault-free. The industrial data communications systems in your plant underpin your entire operation. It is critical that you apply best practice in designing, installing and fixing any problems that may occur. This book distills all the tips and tricks with the benefit of many years of experience and gives the best proven practices to follow.

The main steps in using today's communications technologies involve selecting the correct technology and standards for your plant based on your requirements; doing the design of the overall system; installing the cabling and then commissioning the system. Fiber Optic cabling is generally accepted as the best approach for physical communications but there are obviously areas where you will be forced to use copper wiring and, indeed, wireless communications. This book outlines the critical rules followed in installing the data communications physical transport media and then ensuring that the installation will be trouble-free for years to come.

The important point to make is that with today's wide range of protocols available, you only need to know how to select, install and maintain them in the most cost-effective manner for your plant or factory - knowledge of the minute details of the protocols is not necessary.

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Professional engineers, Specialist students, Anyone working with or required to follow best practice in the installation of industrial data communications systems ranging from RS-232 to Fieldbus and Ethernet systems, including: Instrumentation and Control Engineers/Technicians, Process Control Engineers, Network Planners, Electrical Engineers, Test Engineers, System Integrators, Designers, Electronic Technicians, Consulting Engineers, Design Engineers, Plant Managers, Systems Engineers, Shift Electricians

Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction - general topics such as the OSI model, systems engineering concepts, physical (layer 1) connections, protocols, and noise and ingress protection, Media, specifically conductive media viz. copper (coax, UTP, STP) and fiber, hysical layer standards - EIA-232, EIA-485, 4-20 mA and IEC 61158, Well-known industrial protocols such as TCP/IP, Modbus, DNP3 and IEC 60870, Popular industrial networks (both old and new) such as Industrial Ethernet, AS-i, DeviceNet, Profibus, Foundation Fieldbus, Modbus Plus, Data Highway Plus and HART, Wireless technologies, including VSAT, IEEE 802.11 and wireless point-to-point, Selection methodology - the appropriate steps to be taken in choosing the components for an industrial data communications system, Recommended practice in installing, commissioning and troubleshooting industrial data communications systems.

Mackay, Steve
Steve Mackay is a professional engineer with over twenty-five years' experience throughout the world with a particular interest in data acquisition techniques, industrial data communications and process control. He is the Technical Director of IDC Technologies and consults widely to clients in the oil and gas, mining and manufacturing industries. Steve has presented courses to over 12,000 engineers and technicians throughout the world.

Wright, Edwin
A professional engineer working for IDC Technologies with over thirty-five years' experience focussing mainly on the telecommunications and data communications industries who has consulted in these areas and presented training courses to over 15,000 engineers and technicians throughout the world.

Edwin has over 20 years of practical experience in the planning, design, construction and operation of telecommunications systems, data networks and SCADA systems. He has also been involved as Project Manager on many SCADA and telecommunications projects and has a passion for the topic. He is the co-author of three best selling books on Ethernet, OPC, and Computer Networks. The Internet and TCP/IP and the Principles of Data Communications and has also published numerous papers. He has also consulted widely on SCADA, OPC, data communications and telecommunications issues in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand. Over the past five years more than 8000 engineers and technicians have attended his workshops worldwide. When not working in the communications world he relaxes by reading and writing on technology issues at his beachside home.

Reynders, Deon
Deon Reynders is a professional engineer working for IDC Technologies, with over thirty years' experience. He has worked as a consulting engineer and focussed particularly on data communications and industrial networking. He has presented training courses to over 12,000 engineers and technicians throughout the world.

Deon has had over 20 years experience in various aspects of data communications and Local Area Networks with specific experience in Systems Engineering, Project Management, software and hardware development. He has worked on various IT projects in a multinational corporate environment ranging from the commercial side to the factory automation area. He is currently retained as a consultant to industry in the LAN and data communications area. Deon is a practical, hands-on engineer and an entertaining speaker on Information Technology topics specialising in TCP/IP and LANs. He has received excellent reviews from course attendees in regions ranging from Europe/North America to Africa and Australia.

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