Rhetoric in financial discourse | Buch | 978-90-420-3759-5 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Band 26, 212 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 349 g

Reihe: Utrecht Studies in Language and Communication

Rhetoric in financial discourse

A linguistic analysis of ICT-mediated disclosure genres

Buch, Englisch, Band 26, 212 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 349 g

Reihe: Utrecht Studies in Language and Communication

ISBN: 978-90-420-3759-5
Verlag: Brill | Rodopi

Financial disclosure has become a crucial component of corporate communication. Through this process, companies aim to provide information and project an image of trustworthiness in response to on-going ethical concerns in the world of finance. Rhetoric in financial discourse provides new insights into how companies communicate with key stakeholders, not only to boost transparency, but also to attract investment. The book offers an in-depth linguistic analysis of the rhetorical dimension of financial communication. It focuses on two technology-mediated genres which are widely used, yet remain largely unexplored from a rhetorical perspective: earnings presentations and earnings releases. Using an innovative methodological approach, the book shows how corporate speakers and writers use distinctive rhetorical strategies to achieve their professional goals. It includes a practical discussion of how the findings can be exploited to develop state-of-the-art corporate communication courses and to improve the effectiveness of financial disclosure in professional settings.
The book contributes to an enhanced understanding of the language of finance, representing a discourse community that involves and impacts the lives of many people around the world. It will be of interest to several communities of practice, including language researchers, discourse analysts, corpus linguists, finance and communication academics, students of business and finance, and professionals of financial communication.
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Weitere Infos & Material

List of tables and figures
Financial disclosure
The three-pronged analytical approach
Evaluation as a rhetorical strategy
Structural analysis
Attitude: evaluative adjectives
Engagement: concessive connectives
Graduation: intensifiers and mitigators
Final considerations
Appendix 1: Keyness scores in the EP corpus
Appendix 2: Keyness scores in the ER corpus
Appendix 3: Evaluative adjectives in the EP corpus
Appendix 4: Evaluative adjectives in the ER corpus

Belinda Crawford Camiciottoli is Associate Professor of English Language and Linguistics at the University of Pisa. Her research focuses on business discourse in both academic and corporate settings. She has published in leading journals, including Discourse & Communication, Business Communication Quarterly and English for Specific Purposes. She is the author of The Language of Business Studies Lectures (2007). She has taught business and organizational communication courses for universities based in Italy, the US and the UAE.

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