Rifai / Horvath / Wittwer | Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics: First South Asia Edition | Buch | 978-81-312-4897-3 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 279 mm

Rifai / Horvath / Wittwer

Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics: First South Asia Edition

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 279 mm

ISBN: 978-81-312-4897-3
Verlag: Elsevier India

Select, perform, and evaluate the results of new and established laboratory tests. Now fully searchable, this classic reference features extended content for clinical chemists, pathologists, and laboratory managers. It offers encyclopedic coverage of the field that defines analytical criteria for the medical usefulness of laboratory procedures, introduces new approaches for establishing reference ranges, describes variables that affect tests and results, and more.
- NEW! Internationally recognized chapter authors are considered among the best in their field.
- UPDATED! Expanded molecular diagnostics section with 12 chapters that focus on emerging issues and techniques in the rapidly evolving and important field of molecular diagnostics and genetics ensures this text is on the cutting edge and of the most value.
- NEW! Comprehensive list of reference intervals for children and adults with graphic displays developed using contemporary instrumentation.
- NEW! Standard and international units of measure make this text appropriate for any user, anywhere in the world.
- NEW! 22 new chapters that focus on applications of mass spectrometry, hematology, transfusion medicine, microbiology, biobanking, biomarker utility in the pharmaceutical industry, and more!
- NEW! Expert Editor, Nader Rifai, and Senior Editors, Andrea Rita Horvath and Carl T. Wittwer, bring fresh perspectives and help ensure that the most current information is presented.
- UPDATED! Thoroughly revised and peer-reviewed chapters provide you with the most current information
- NEW! Internationally recognized chapter authors are considered among the best in their field.
- UPDATED! Expanded molecular diagnostics section with 12 chapters that focus on emerging issues and techniques in the rapidly evolving and important field of molecular diagnostics and genetics ensures this text is on the cutting edge and of the most value.
- NEW! Comprehensive list of reference intervals for children and adults with graphic displays developed using contemporary instrumentation.
- NEW! Standard and international units of measure make this text appropriate for any user, anywhere in the world.
- NEW! 22 new chapters that focus on applications of mass spectrometry, hematology, transfusion medicine, microbiology, biobanking, biomarker utility in the pharmaceutical industry, and more!
- NEW! Expert Editor, Nader Rifai, and Senior Editors, Andrea Rita Horvath and Carl T. Wittwer, bring fresh perspectives and help ensure that the most current information is presented.
- UPDATED! Thoroughly revised and peer-reviewed chapters provide you with the most current information
Rifai / Horvath / Wittwer Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics: First South Asia Edition jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

SECTION I Basics of Laboratory Medicine

1 Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics

2 Statistical Methodologies in Laboratory Medicine: Analytical and Clinical Evaluation of Laboratory


3 Quality Management in the Medical Laboratory*

4 Specimen Collection and Processing

5 Preanalytical Variation and Preexamination Processes

6 Quality Control of the Analytical Examination Process

7 Biological Variation

8 Establishment and Use of Reference Intervals

9 Evidence-Based Laboratory Medicine*

10 Biobanking*

11 Laboratory Support of Pharmaceutical, In Vitro Diagnostics, and Epidemiologic Studies*

SECTION II Analytical Techniques and Applications

12 Principles of Basic Techniques and Laboratory Safety*

13 Optical Techniques

14 Electrochemistry and Chemical Sensors

15 Electrophoresis

16 Chromatography

17 Mass Spectrometry

18 Sample Preparation for Mass Spectrometry Applications*

19 Mass Spectrometry Applications in Infectious Disease and Pathogens Identification*

20 Development and Validation of Small Molecule Analytes by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass


21 Proteomics*

22 Enzyme and Rate Analysis

23 Immunochemical Techniques

24 Microfabrication and Microfluidics and Their Application in Clinical Diagnostics*

25 Cytometry*

26 Automation in the Clinical Laboratory*

27 Point-of-Care Testing*


28 Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins

29 Serum Enzymes

30 Enzymes of the Red Blood Cell*

31 Tumor Markers

32 Kidney Function Tests

33 Carbohydrates

34 Lipids, Lipoproteins, Apolipoproteins, and Other Cardiovascular Risk Factors

35 Electrolytes and Blood Gases

36 Hormones

37 Vitamins and Trace Elements

38 Hemoglobin, Iron, Bilirubin

39 Porphyrins and the Porphyrias

40 Therapeutic Drugs and Their Management

41 Clinical Toxicology

42 Toxic Elements

43 Body Fluids*

SECTION IV Molecular Diagnostics

44 Principles of Molecular Biology

45 Genomes and Variants

46 Nucleic Acid Isolation*

47 Nucleic Acid Techniques

48 Molecular Microbiology

49 Genetics, 1025

50 Solid Tumor Genomics

51 Genetic Aspects of Hematopoietic Malignancies

52 Circulating Tumor Cells and Circulating Tumor DNA

53 Circulating Nucleic Acids for Prenatal Diagnostics

54 Pharmacogenetics*

55 Identity Testing*

SECTION V Pathophysiology

56 Nutrition: Laboratory and Clinical Aspects*

57 Diabetes Mellitus

58 Cardiac Function

59 Kidney Disease

60 Disorders of Water, Electrolytes, and Acid-Base Metabolism

61 Liver Disease

62 Gastric, Pancreatic, and Intestinal Function

63 Monoamine-Producing Tumors*

64 Bone and Mineral Metabolism

65 Pituitary Function and Pathophysiology

66 Adrenal Cortex

67 Thyroid Disorders

68 Reproductive Endocrinology and Related Disorders

69 Pregnancy and Its Disorders

70 Newborn Screening and Inborn Errors of Metabolism

SECTION VI Hematology and Coagulation

71 Hemostasis*

Russell A. Higgins, Steve Kitchen, and Dong Chen

72 Red Blood Cell Morphology and Indices With Clinical Chemistry Interface*

73 Automated Hematology*

SECTION VII Microbiology

74 Bacteriology*

75 Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing*

76 Mycobacteriology*

77 Mycology*

78 Parasitology*

79 Virology*

SECTION VIII Transfusion Medicine

80 Blood Groups, Pretransfusion Testing, and Red Blood Cell Transfusion*

81 Blood Components, Blood Donor Screening, and Transfusion Reactions*

Appendix Reference Information for the Clinical Laboratory

Horvath, A. Rita
Andrea Rita Horvath's key research interests include evidence-based laboratory medicine (EBLM) including evidence-based monitoring, guideline development, and evaluation of new biomarkers and overdiagnosis. She holds advisory roles on test utilization and reimbursement policy at the National Prescribing Service of Australia and Medicare. She has published 160 research papers and 16 book chapters and has been an invited speaker at over 100 international conferences. Her national and international leadership positions include Chair of the IFCC Committee on EBLM (2003-2008); European Communities Confederation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EC4) Secretary (2005-2007); President of the Hungarian Society (2005-2008) and the Hungarian College of Laboratory Medicine (2008-2009); President-Elect (2007-2009), President (2009-2011) and Past President (2012-2013) of the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM); chair of the EFLM working group on Test Evaluation (2011-2015) and member of the Board of Directors of the American Association of Clinical Chemistry (2014-2016).

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