Risan / Al-Azzawi / Al-Zwainy | Statistical Analysis for Civil Engineers | Buch | 978-0-443-27362-9 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

Risan / Al-Azzawi / Al-Zwainy

Statistical Analysis for Civil Engineers

Mathematical Theory and Applied Experiment Design
Erscheinungsjahr 2024
ISBN: 978-0-443-27362-9
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Mathematical Theory and Applied Experiment Design

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

ISBN: 978-0-443-27362-9
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Statistical Analysis for Civil Engineers: Mathematical Theory and Applied Experiment Design is a well-researched and topically organized reference book that guides its readers, both in academia and industry, to recognize how to describe unpredictable events in a quantitative way and to learn how these events can be incorporated into practical engineering analysis that facilitates data-driven problem solving and optimization-based decision-making.

Written by experts in the field with a proven track record as educators and practicing consultancy specialists, this book has been developed in such a manner that it advances understanding of the mathematical theory underlying analytical methodology gradually. It also supports practical application through relevant worked examples in a variety of civil engineering branches, notably structural, materials, transportation, and geotechnical engineering. Through all stages of data analysis, numerical modeling and simulation, and implementation, the volume emphasizes the need to change the current perception with respect to the use of modern statistical techniques in the scientific as well as practical spheres of civil engineering.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Random variables and discrete probability distributions
2. Continuous and normal probability distributions with data representation
3. Central limit theorem and confidence interval
4. T-, Chi-square, and F-distributions and hypothesis testing
5. Analysis of experiments for civil engineers involving single factor
6. Correlation: simple, and multiple regression analysis
7. Meta-analysis in civil engineering
8. Introduction to Monte Carlo simulation in civil engineering

Al-Azzawi, Adel A.
Prof. Al-Azzawi has been teaching at Al-Nahrain University (Iraq) for over 25 years, both for undergraduate and postgraduate programs in the fields of structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, applied statistics, and construction project management. He is an active editor and reviewer for many scientific journals and has received local recognition awards for his publications. The research areas he focuses on are structural analysis and computational structural mechanics.

Risan, Hussam K.
Dr. Risan received his PhD from Al-Nahrain University (Iraq) in 2013 and has been an Assistant Professor at the same institution since 2015. He teaches several courses for undergraduate and postgraduate programs in the fields of structural engineering, design of civil engineering experiments, and construction project management. He actively participates as a reviewer for many scientific journals and his research activity focuses on structural analysis, structural dynamics, structural stability, finite element modeling, and various civil engineering technologies.

Al-Zwainy, Faiq M.S.
Prof. Al-Zwainy received his PhD from Baghdad University (Iraq) in 2009. After a stint as an independent consultant in industry, when he worked on projects with local government as well as international firms, he has since held academic positions both at ISRA University (Jordan) and Al-Nahrain University (Iraq). He teaches courses for undergraduate and postgraduate programs in the fields of applied statistics and construction project management. He is an active editor and reviewer for the KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (Springer) and the International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Research Technology (IJESRT, open access); he is also a member of the editorial board of Civil Engineering and Urban Planning: An International Journal (AIRCC Publishing Corporation) and a member of the Project Management Institute.

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