Ritchie | Exploring Children's Learning | Buch | 978-1-138-19027-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 224 Seiten, Format (B × H): 174 mm x 246 mm, Gewicht: 556 g


Exploring Children's Learning

3 – 11 years

Buch, Englisch, 224 Seiten, Format (B × H): 174 mm x 246 mm, Gewicht: 556 g

ISBN: 978-1-138-19027-6
Verlag: CRC Press

Exploring Children’s Learning: 3–11 years is essential reading for those passionate about supporting children’s learning environments from Early Years to Key Stage 2. By combining learning with important aspects of a broad curriculum content it will inspire and enhance an interest in supporting children’s learning. Individual chapters focus on key areas of the curriculum such as literacy and history, numeracy and science, as well as more general topics such as creativity, assessment and the emotional and behavioural aspects of learning.

The book takes an objective view on control over curriculum and offers practical insights into how supportive learning opportunities can create enjoyable and satisfying lifelong learning habits, preparing children for the challenges they may face in their adult working life.

Whether you dip into chapters, or read through the book as a whole, you will develop your understanding of the complexity of learning and the lifelong effects implicit in this, not only from the individual basis that each child faces in terms of learning how to learn, but also concerning the differences in learning strategies required to successfully negotiate subject knowledge across a range of disciplines.

This book is a must-read for students of Childhood and Education Studies programmes, those undertaking Initial Teacher Training as well as general readers with an interest in supporting children’s learning.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Instroduction 1. Exploring learning theory and its significance in education Christine Ritchie and Anita Cooper 2. Children’s views on what matters in learning and life Catherine Meehan 3. Behaviour, learning and emotional intelligence: a critical learner perspective Temi Ladenika 4. Creativity: thinking and innovation for learning and teaching Diana Strauss and Peter Gregory 5. Assessment: policies and practice Gemma van Vuuren-Cassar and Chris Carpenter 6. Supporting individual learners: working with Deaf learners: the role of the communication cupport worker (CSW) Andrew Owen, Jill Bussien and Gary Callahan-Ferris 7. Learning to be literate Polly Bolshaw 8. Learning mathematics Clare Wiseman 9. Science trends in education Lin Shaw 10. Supporting physical development: health and well-being through the use of outdoor environments Kristy Howells 11. History, geography and learning about the world Janice Gill

Christine Ritchie has enjoyed a long career in education, working in the UK and Europe, gaining experience in a variety of educational areas, starting as a primary school teacher and working in Early Years education. Now retired from full-time work, she continues to be involved in education and engages in related activities and research.

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