Rodriguez / Swinnen | Business Intelligence with Power BI | Buch | 978-1-83970-328-7 |

Buch, Englisch, 302 Seiten, Gewicht: 985 g

Rodriguez / Swinnen

Business Intelligence with Power BI

Buch, Englisch, 302 Seiten, Gewicht: 985 g

ISBN: 978-1-83970-328-7
Verlag: Intersentia Ltd

In a rapidly evolving economy, organisations are constantly forced to change and react quickly to new trends and developments. Microsoft Power BI is a reporting tool designed to allow organisations to gain objective insight into their own functioning and to optimise it using data-driven management.

With this practical manual you can quickly create attractive, comprehensive dashboards that offer insight into the results of your various business units, whether it be sales, customer services, logistics, finances, or HR.

Our ‘Learn-Do-Experience’ method provides a step-by-step understanding of the software and of data-driven management itself, guiding you as you learn to compile ever more complex reports. Throughout this book, we also offer easily downloadable case studies and examples. Additionally, Power Query and DAX are explained, as well as ways to publish and share reports.

This book is aimed at professionals (such as business controllers, accountants, analysts, CIOs, IT managers and marketeers) and students enrolled in course programmes like business management or any other courses with an analytical and data-driven approach.

Sylvio Rodriguez is a financial controller and data analyst with an expertise in management reporting and business dashboards. He has also taught Excel training courses. He has both a master’s degree in Commercial Sciences and an MBA. Sylvio has held various positions in financial management at companies, such as ING Europe and DEME. Since starting his own consulting agency ELEM3NTS in 2016, he devotes himself full-time to the implementation of management reporting in various companies.

Jo Swinnen is a lecturer at the PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts. She specialises in IT management and teaches Power BI as one of her subjects. Her company Hyperkool provides Power BI training courses for companies. She has done research on the role of data analysis in the marketing strategies of small and medium enterprises. After obtaining her master’s degree in Commercial Engineering, she taught policy informatics at the University of Hasselt. Later she entered the private sector, working as a business analyst for Carglass®.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Rodriguez, Sylvio
Gedreven financieel controller en data-analist die zich sinds 2014 heeft toegelegd op managementrapporteringen, business dashboarding en Excel-trainingen. Hij is master in de Handelswetenschappen en volgde daarnaast een MBA-opleiding. Voordien werkte Sylvio in diverse financieel controller- en managementsfuncties bij onder andere ING Europe en DEME. Sinds 2014 is hij met zijn advieskantoor ELEM3NTS fulltime bezig met de implementatie van managementrapporteringen bij diverse bedrijven.

Swinnen, Jo
Gepassioneerde lector aan Hogeschool PXL. Ze is gespecialiseerd in beleidsinformatica en doceert onder andere het vak Power BI. Ze geeft Power BI-trainingen op maat aan bedrijven. Ze voerde onderzoek naar data-analyse ter ondersteuning van de marketingstrategie bij KMO’s. Na het behalen van haar masterdiploma Handelsingenieur in de Beleidsinformatica, doceerde ze beleidsinformatica aan de Universiteit Hasselt. Later zette ze deze ervaring om in de praktijk als businessanalist bij Carglass.

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