Rogers / Allen | The 3P's for Advanced Healthcare Providers | Buch | 978-0-323-93726-9 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

Rogers / Allen

The 3P's for Advanced Healthcare Providers

Pathophysiology, Physical Assessment, and Pharmacology

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

ISBN: 978-0-323-93726-9
Verlag: Mosby US

Master the three Ps and provide quality care for the common medical conditions APRNs will encounter in practice! A concise, full-color reference, The 3P's for Advanced Healthcare Providers provides an evidence-based approach to pathophysiology, physical examination findings, and pharmacologic treatment. Algorithms are included for each diagnosis to help you visualize the link between the three Ps, with an emphasis on how these three topics directly impact patient treatment. Written by noted NP educators Julia L. Rogers and Jodi Allen, this resource helps APRNs deliver accurate, patient-centered care in any setting. - Concise, practical coverage of the 3Ps is provided for 40 of the most common conditions encountered by primary healthcare providers.
- Coverage of each condition includes pathophysiology, algorithm, clinical manifestations, assessment findings, diagnostics and differential diagnosis referrals, treatment plan including patient education and follow-up, and billing codes.
- Clinical Manifestations and Assessment Findings guide you through each step of advanced assessment.
- Treatment plans for each condition include common drug interventions (pharmacology), patient education, treatment guidelines, and follow-up schedules.
- Detailed algorithms provide guidance for assessment and treatment options.
- Diagnostics & Differential Diagnosis Referrals sections ensure accuracy of the diagnosis and treatment plan.
- Summary boxes in each chapter include Pediatric and Older Adult Lifespan Considerations, Diversity Considerations, and Acute Care Considerations.
- Full-color illustrations and photographs provide accurate assessment findings and represent diversity and inclusion.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Neurologic System
1. Cerebrovascular Accident
2. Primary Headache Syndromes
3. Seizure
4. Traumatic Brain Injury
Psychiatric System
5. Anxiety
6. Depression
7. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Musculoskeletal System
8. Arthritis
9. Conditions of the Spine
10. Soft Tissue Disorders
Hematologic System
11. Iron Deficiency Anemia
12. Pernicious Anemia
13. Leukocytosis
Endocrine System
14. Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
15. Hypothyroidism
Cardiovascular System
16. Angina
17. Dysrhythmias
18. Heart Failure
19. Hyperlipidemia
20. Hypertension
Respiratory System
21. Pneumonia
22. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
23. Restrictive Lung Disease
24. Pharyngitis
Gastrointestinal System
25. Abdominal Pain
26. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
27. Abdominal Hernia
28. Inflammatory Bowel Disease
29. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
30. Cholelithiasis
Genitourinary System
31. Nephrolithiasis
32. Urinary Tract Infection
Integumentary System
33. Acne Vulgaris
34. Contact Dermatitis
35. Psoriasis
36. Malignant Skin Lesions
37. Integumentary Infections
Reproductive System
38. Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
39. Dysmenorrhea
40. Sexually Transmitted Infections

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