Rose | How to Win Campaigns | Buch | 978-1-85383-961-0 |

Buch, Englisch, 256 Seiten, Format (B × H): 140 mm x 216 mm, Gewicht: 430 g


How to Win Campaigns

100 Steps to Success
1. Auflage 2005
ISBN: 978-1-85383-961-0
Verlag: Taylor & Francis

100 Steps to Success

Buch, Englisch, 256 Seiten, Format (B × H): 140 mm x 216 mm, Gewicht: 430 g

ISBN: 978-1-85383-961-0
Verlag: Taylor & Francis

Written for the new campaigner and the experienced communicator alike, this is a comprehensive and systematic exploration of what works in campaigning, and a practical how-to guide for using principles and strategy in campaigning as a new form of public politics. Applicable to any issue and from any point of view, the book's 100 key steps and tools provide models of motivation, analysis and communication structure.

Content includes how to begin a campaign, motivating people, research and development, issue mapping, planning using the campaign planning star, organizing communications including visual language, constructing campaign propositions, insight into news media, how to keep a campaign going, how to use old and new media and what to do and what not to do. The final chapter reviews the bigger picture, examining how campaigns became a form of politics. It also provides new research material on how issues mature and become 'norms', and the consequent problems for campaigning.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction * How to Begin * Communicating with Humans * Campaign Research and Development * Campaign Plans * Organizing Campaign Communications * Constructing Campaign Propositions * Working with News Media * Keeping a Campaign Going * Old Media, New Media * To Do and Not to Do * The Bigger Picture

Chris Rose is an environmental campaigner and communications consultant who has worked for Greenpeace, where he was a leader of the successful campaign that stopped the sinking of the Brent Spar oil platform in the north Atlantic, Friends of the Earth, WWF International and a host of other organizations.

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