Rose | The Archaeology of Greek and Roman Troy | Buch | 978-0-521-76207-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 442 Seiten, Format (B × H): 183 mm x 262 mm, Gewicht: 1100 g


The Archaeology of Greek and Roman Troy

Buch, Englisch, 442 Seiten, Format (B × H): 183 mm x 262 mm, Gewicht: 1100 g

ISBN: 978-0-521-76207-6
Verlag: Cambridge University Press

The Archaeology of Greek and Roman Troy provides an overview of all excavations that have been conducted at Troy, from the nineteenth century through the latest discoveries between 1988 and the present. Charles Brian Rose traces the social and economic development of the city and related sites in the Troad, as well as the development of its civic and religious centers from the Bronze Age through the early Christian period, with a focus on the settlements of Greek and Roman date. Along the way, he reconsiders the circumstances of the Trojan War and chronicles Troy's gradual development into a Homeric tourist destination and the adoption of Trojan ancestry by most nation-states in medieval Europe.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Troy in the Bronze Age; 2. Troy during the Archaic Period; 3. The tombs of the Granicus River Valley: the Polyxena sarcophagus; 4. The tombs of the Granicus River Valley II: the child's sarcophagus; 5. The tombs of the Granicus River Valley III: the Dedetepe tumulus; 6. The tombs of the Granicus River Valley IV: the Çan sarcophagus; 7. Ilion, Athens, and Sigeion during the 5th and 4th centuries BC; 8. Ilion in the early Hellenistic period; 9. The West Sanctuary during the Hellenistic period; 10. Late Hellenistic and early imperial Ilion; 11. From the Flavians to the Byzantines; 12. The concept of Troy after antiquity.

Rose, Charles Brian
Charles Brian Rose is James B. Pritchard Professor of Mediterranean Archaeology in the Department of Classical Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, and Curator-in-Charge of the Mediterranean Section of the Penn Museum. Between 1988 and 2012 he was Head of Post-Bronze Age excavations at Troy and English language editor of Studia Troica, the annual journal of the Troy excavations. He is currently director of the Gordion Excavation Project in central Turkey. He has served as an Academic Trustee of the Archaeological Institute of America, as well as its First Vice-President and President, and as Deputy Director of the Penn Museum. He has received grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Rome Prize of the American Academy in Rome, the Berlin Prize of the American Academy in Berlin, the American Council of Learned Societies, the American Research Institute in Turkey, and the Samuel H. Kress Foundation. Charles Brian Rose is the author of Commemoration and Imperial Portraiture in the Julio-Claudian Period (Cambridge, 1997) and the co-editor (with Gareth Darbyshire) of The New Chronology of Iron Age Gordion (2011).

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