Volume 7 contains the trial cases finalized between September 1949 and mid-February 1950. These cases are mainly concerned with Denunciations, NS-Crimes in Detainment Centers and Final Phase Crimes. Others deal with 'Euthanasia', Mass Extermination and War Crimes and some concern so-called Early NS-Crimes, committed shortly before or after January 31 1933. An example of the last category is the case involving 32 defendants tried for the gruesome mistreatment and killing of inmates of KL Hohnstein in 1933 (Case Nr.1358). Rather unique - since no West German examples of the sort exist - are the two cases involving the bullying, mistreatment and killing of German soldiers in the Wehrmacht prison of Torgau and in the so-called field disciplinary camp (Case Nrs.1336 and 1352). This title can be previewed in Google Books - http://books.google.com/books?vid=ISBN9789053567173.
DDR-Justiz und NS-Verbrechen Band 7 jetzt bestellen!