Ruiz Mercado / Cabezas | Sustainability in the Design, Synthesis and Analysis of Chemical Engineering Processes | Buch | 978-0-12-802032-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 426 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 880 g

Ruiz Mercado / Cabezas

Sustainability in the Design, Synthesis and Analysis of Chemical Engineering Processes

Erscheinungsjahr 2016
ISBN: 978-0-12-802032-6
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Buch, Englisch, 426 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 880 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-802032-6
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Sustainability in the Design, Synthesis and Analysis of Chemical Engineering Processes is an edited collection of contributions from leaders in their field. It takes a holistic view of sustainability in chemical and process engineering design, and incorporates economic analysis and human dimensions. Ruiz-Mercado and Cabezas have brought to this book their experience of researching sustainable process design and life cycle sustainability evaluation to assist with development in government, industry and academia.

This book takes a practical, step-by-step approach to designing sustainable plants and processes by starting from chemical engineering fundamentals. This method enables readers to achieve new process design approaches with high influence and less complexity. It will also help to incorporate sustainability at the early stages of project life, and build up multiple systems level perspectives. Ruiz-Mercado and Cabezas' book is the only book on the market that looks at process sustainability from a chemical engineering fundamentals perspective.
Ruiz Mercado / Cabezas Sustainability in the Design, Synthesis and Analysis of Chemical Engineering Processes jetzt bestellen!


<p>Practicing chemical and process engineers; environmental and energy engineers; academics, researchers and students of chemical engineering</p>

Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter One. Towards More Sustainable Chemical Engineering Processes: Integrating Sustainable and Green Chemistry Into the Engineering Design Process

Chapter Two. Separations Versus Sustainability: There Is No Such Thing As a Free Lunch

Chapter Three. Conceptual Chemical Process Design for Sustainability

Chapter Four. Process Integration for Sustainable Design

Chapter Five. Modeling and Advanced Control for Sustainable Process Systems

Chapter Six. Sustainable Engineering Economic and Profitability Analysis

Chapter Seven. Managing Conflicts Among Decision Makers in Multiobjective Design and Operations

Chapter Eight. Sustainable System Dynamics: A Complex Network Analysis

Chapter Nine. Process Synthesis by the P-Graph Framework Involving Sustainability

Chapter Ten. Sustainability Assessment and Performance Improvement of Electroplating Process Systems

Chapter Eleven. Strategic Sustainable Assessment of Retrofit Design for Process Performance Evaluation

Chapter Twelve. Chemical Engineering and Biogeochemical Cycles: A Techno-Ecological Approach to Industry Sustainability

Chapter Thirteen. Challenges for Model-Based Life Cycle Inventories and Impact Assessment in Early to Basic Process Design Stages

Chapter Fourteen. Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment: A Holistic Evaluation of Social, Economic, and Environmental Impacts

Chapter Fifteen. Embedding Sustainability in Product and Process Development-The Role of Process Systems Engineers

Cabezas, Heriberto
Dr. Cabezas is currently leading and developing U.S. EPA research projects in areas of sustainable development for helping society, government, industry, and academia. His experience, published record, and contributions to the advancement of knowledge in research areas such as sustainability evaluation, sustainable process design and life cycle sustainability evaluation, demonstrate his capability to identify new research needs and challenges.

Ruiz Mercado, Gerardo
Dr. Ruiz-Mercado is currently leading and developing U.S. EPA research projects in areas of sustainable development for helping society, government, industry, and academia. His experience, published record, and contributions to the advancement of knowledge in research areas such as sustainability evaluation, sustainable process design and life cycle sustainability evaluation, demonstrate his capability to identify new research needs and challenges.

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