Dr. Raviprakash Salagame
brings over 25 years of industry experience. He is currently a senior global leader at APTIV Technical Center India. Previously, Ravi held leadership and engineering positions at GE Corporate Research Center (at JFWTC) and IBM Almaden Research Center at San Jose, California. He completed his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Pennsylvania State University in 1995, Master’s degree from Indian Institute of Science in 1988 and Bachelor’s degree from BMS College of Engineering in 1986. He is a certified Six Sigma black belt and a technical expert in Design Optimization, CAE, data science and statistical methods. He has published over 15 international journal and conference papers and delivered several industry keynotes in India. He also serves on the board of IUCEE (Indo-Universal Collaboration for Excellence in Engineering Education) and a few of the leading universities in India.
Dr. Palaniappan Ramu
is anAssociate Professor in the Department of Engineering Design, IIT Madras. He heads the Advanced Design Optimization and Probabilistic Techniques (ADOPT) Laboratory where work revolves around using probability, statistics and optimization for design decisions. He investigates problems of varied interests in different areas. It includes optimal designs of computer models built in FEM/CFD towards light weighting, understanding performance of machine learning algorithms as surrogates, digital twins and visual exploration of design spaces. He holds a B.Eng. in Mechanical from Madurai Kamaraj University, India and a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from University of Florida, USA. He has 10+ years’ experience working on optimization for engineering applications. He teaches courses on optimization, reliability, surrogates and DfMA.
Dr. Indira Narayanaswamy
is a research Professor in Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bangalore, India. She has previouslyserved as a scientist and technology Director in the Aeronautical Development Agency, Bangalore. Dr. Narayanaswamy's areas of specialization are CFD applications for Aerodynamics Shape Optimization and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO), MDO for MAV design, Numerical Investigations on Supersonic Retro Propulsion (SRP). She has authored more than 150 research papers and technical reports.
Dr. Dhish Kumar Saxena
is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, IIT Roorkee. His main research interests lie in multi-objective, multi-disciplinary optimization, and multi-criterion decision making. He is currently the principal investigator/co-investigator of different international projects in these domains, focusing on large scale industrial problems. He is also on the Reviewer Board and Project Monitoring Committee member for different national/international projects launched by the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, and Department of Science & Technology. Dr. Saxena brings on board his work experience in the United Kingdom where he worked with universities like Cranfield and Bath, in collaboration with companies like British Aerospace Systems, Hewlett Packard, and Airbus.