Sethumadhavan / Sasangohar | Design for Health | Buch | 978-0-12-816427-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 400 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 660 g

Sethumadhavan / Sasangohar

Design for Health

Applications of Human Factors
Erscheinungsjahr 2020
ISBN: 978-0-12-816427-3
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Applications of Human Factors

Buch, Englisch, 400 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 660 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-816427-3
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Design for Health: Applications of Human Factors delves into critical and emergent issues in healthcare and patient safety and how the field of human factors and ergonomics play a role in this domain. The book uses the Design for X (DfX) methodology to discuss a wide range of contexts, technologies, and population dependent criteria (X's) that must be considered in the design of a safe and usable healthcare ecosystem. Each chapter discusses a specific topic (e.g., mHealth, medical devices, emergency response, global health, etc.), reviews the concept, and presents a case study that demonstrates how human factors techniques and principles are utilized for the design, evaluation or improvements to specific tools, devices, and technologies (Section 1), healthcare systems and environments (Section 2), and applications to special populations (Section 3).

The book represents an essential resource for researchers in academia as well as practitioners in medical device industries, consumer IT, and hospital settings. It covers a range of topics from medication reconciliation to self-care to the artificial heart.

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Psychologists, engineers, and designers. Researchers in medical device and pharmaceutical industries, consumer IT, and hospital settings. Can be used as a text in courses on Healthcare Human Factors, Healthcare Engineering, and Health Safety.

Weitere Infos & Material

Section 1: Devices, Tools, and Healthcare IT

1. Designing for Medical Device Safety

Russell J. Branaghan, Emily A. Hildebrand and L. Bryant Foster

2. Designing for Medication Safety

Sadaf Kazi, Allen R. Chen and Nicole L. Mollenkopf

3. Design for Digital Health

Joseph A. Cafazzo

4. Design for eHealth and Telehealth

Dena Al-Thani, Savio Monteiro and Lakshman S. Tamil

5. Design of Mobile Health Technology

Plinio Pelegrini Morita

6. Design for Effective Care Collaboration

Patrice Dolhonde Tremoulet, Susan Harkness Regli and Ramya Krishnan

Section 2: Healthcare Systems

7. Design for Critical Care

D. Kirk Hamilton

8. Design for Emergencies

Yuval Bitan

9. Design for Resilience

Lisa Sundahl Platt

10. Design for Collaborative Work

Rachel E. Mason and Ashley M. Hughes

11. Design for Stress, Fatigue, and Workload Management

Joseph K. Nuamah and Ranjana K. Mehta

12. Design for Cognitive Support

L.C. Schubel, N. Muthu, D.J. Karavite, R. Arnold and K.M. Miller

13. Design for Improved Workflow

Mustafa Ozkaynak, Blaine Reeder, Sun Young Park and Jina Huh-Yoo

14. Design for Self-Care

Victor P. Cornet, Carly Daley, Luiz H. Cavalcanti, Amit Parulekar and Richard J. Holden

Section 3: Special Population

15. Design for Inclusivity

Natalie C. Benda, Enid Montague and Rupa S. Valdez

16. Design for Global Health

Alessandra N. Bazzano and Shirley D. Yan

17. Design of Health Information and Communication Technologies for Older Adults

Christina N. Harrington, lyndsie Marie Koon and Wendy A. Rogers

Sethumadhavan, Arathi
Arathi Sethumadhavan is the Head of User Research of Ethics & Society in Cloud+AI at Microsoft, where she is responsible for bringing the perspectives of traditionally disempowered and neglected communities into shaping products. Key technology areas include AI across speech, computer vision, face recognition, and mixed reality. Prior to joining Microsoft, she worked at Medtronic, where she provided human factors leadership to multiple products in the Cardiac Rhythm and Heart Failure portfolio, including the world's smallest pacemaker. She has also spent several years investigating the implications of automation on air traffic controller performance and situation awareness. She has published numerous articles on a range of topics from patient safety, affective computing, and human-robot interaction, has delivered nearly 50 talks at national and international conferences, and been recognized by the American Psychological Foundation, the American Psychological Association, and the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Arathi has a PhD in Human Factors Psychology from Texas Tech University and an undergraduate degree in Computer Science from Calicut University.

Sasangohar, Farzan
Farzan Sasangohar, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering as well as Environmental and Occupational Health at Texas A&M University. He is also a Scientist and Assistant Professor at the Houston Methodist Hospital's Center for Outcomes Research and Department of Surgery. Prior to joining TAMU, he worked as the Manager of Design Research at TD Bank and as a Research Scientist at MIT AeroAstro. He has experience designing, developing, and evaluating human-systems in different domains such as aviation, process control, surface transportation, finance, and health care. Farzan has received a PhD in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering from the University of Toronto in 2015, an SM in Engineering Systems from MIT in 2011, a MASc and BCS in Systems Design Engineering and Computer Science from the University of Waterloo in 2010 and 2007, and a BA in Information Technology from York University in 2009. He has authored more than 100 peer-reviewed publications and his research, teaching, and service have received national and international recognition. Farzan's research interests include remote health and performance monitoring, system resilience and safety, and user-centered design.

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