Shafiq / Khan / Equbal | 2nd International Conference on Recent Advancements in Materials, Design & Manufacturing (ICRAMDM) | Buch | 978-3-0364-0475-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 180 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

Shafiq / Khan / Equbal

2nd International Conference on Recent Advancements in Materials, Design & Manufacturing (ICRAMDM)

Erscheinungsjahr 2025
ISBN: 978-3-0364-0475-2
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Buch, Englisch, 180 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

ISBN: 978-3-0364-0475-2
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

This issue features detailed research findings from the 2nd International Conference on Recent Advancements in Materials, Design, and Manufacturing (ICRAMDM 2023). The conference interdisciplinary platform covers a wide range of topics, including new materials synthesis techniques, innovative design methodologies, and cutting-edge manufacturing processes. Articles delve into properties and applications of materials, efficient product design principles, and advanced manufacturing techniques, offering valuable insights for academicians, researchers, scientists, and industry professionals.
Shafiq / Khan / Equbal 2nd International Conference on Recent Advancements in Materials, Design & Manufacturing (ICRAMDM) jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1: Polymers and Composites
Compare the Properties of Composite Material by Date Leaves with Different Additives
Ballistic Performance of Polycarbonate Plate Subjected to Truncated Cone Projectile
Chapter 2: Properties and Processing Technologies of Structural Metals
Optimizing Hot Forging of 38MnSiVS5 Steel: A Multi-Objective Approach with Grey-Fuzzy Method
Research Progress towards the Machining of Titanium Alloy Using CNC Milling: A Technical Review
Experimental Analysis of the Behavior of Multiple Adhesive on the Single Lap Joint Strength
Powder Bed Fusion Techniques in Metal 3D Printing: A Review
Chapter 3: Machining Tools
Dielectric Fluids for the Electrical Discharge Machining: A Review
Optimization of Machining Process on Coated Tungsten Carbide Electrode Tool and Titanium Alloy Workpiece Using EDM: A Critical Review
Forging Die Wear Optimization: A Combined Approach with Finite Element Analysis and Taguchi Methodology
Thermal Analysis of Micro-Channel Internal Cooling in Cutting Tools: A Machine Learning Approach
Chapter 4: Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering and Product Design
A Review on Emerging Trends of Plastics for Food Packaging in India
Emerging Trends of Polymer Materials for Footwear Applications in India
Analysis of Handle Shape through Experiments on Hand Drill Performance
Towards Sustainable Architecture: Exploring Innovative Materials, Construction Technology, and Design Concepts for Eco-Friendly Buildings
Study the Effect of Route Penalty on FMS Considering Routing Flexibility
Enhancing Efficiency in Advanced Manufacturing through IoT Integration

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