Shankar / Vaz | Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses | Buch | 978-81-312-4373-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 598 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm

Shankar / Vaz

Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses

Erscheinungsjahr 2017
ISBN: 978-81-312-4373-2
Verlag: Elsevier India

Buch, Englisch, 598 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm

ISBN: 978-81-312-4373-2
Verlag: Elsevier India

Specifically targeted for nurses, this book has been written in line with the curriculum prescribed by the Nursing Council of India. The combination of anatomy and physiology in one book will allow the students to understand structure-function relationships of the human body in preparation for their clinical training.

- Specific learning objectives provide a quick outline of what the chapter explains in detail

- Glossary of important terms enable the students to come to grips with the nomenclature or vocabulary of a new subject

- Lucid main text facilitates easy grasp of the complex concepts of anatomy, physiology

- Applications in nursing provides ready help for nursing students on areas of practical difficulties

- Summary of key points help the students recapitulate their learning in a fraction of time they devote to study the chapter

- Review questions facilitate self-evaluation and further revision of students' learning

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Weitere Infos & Material

PART A Anatomy

SECTION 1 Introduction to Anatomy

1 What Is Anatomy?, 4

2 Anatomical Terminology, 7

3 Structural Organization of the Human Body, 11

SECTION 2 Tissues of the Body

4 Epithelial Tissue, 20

5 Exocrine Glands, 23

6 Connective Tissue, 27

7 Cartilage, 30

SECTION 3 The Skeletal System

8 Classification, General Features and Microstructure, 36

9 The Axial Skeleton, 43

10 The Appendicular Skeleton, 51

SECTION 4 The Muscular System

11 General Introduction, Types and Microscopic Structure, 60

12 The Skeletal Muscles above the Diaphragm Including Diaphragm, 67

13 The Skeletal Muscles below Diaphragm, 78

SECTION 5 The Joints of the Body

14 Introduction and Classification of Joints, 88

15 Major Joints of the Body, 93

SECTION 6 The Cardiovascular System

16 The Vascular System, 104

17 The Pericardium, Exterior of the Heart and Its Blood Supply, 123

18 The Interior of the Heart, 130

SECTION 7 The Lymphatic System

19 The Lymphatic System, 136

SECTION 8 The Respiratory System

20 The Upper Respiratory System and Larynx, 146

21 The Lower Respiratory System, 153

SECTION 9 The Digestive System

22 The Upper Alimentary Canal, 162

SECTION 14 The Integumentary System

34 The Integumentary System, 290

23 The Lower Alimentary Canal, 176

24 The Digestive Glands, 196

SECTION 10 The Excretory System

25 The Kidneys, 208

26 The Ureters, Urinary Bladder and Urethra, 216

SECTION 11 The Reproductive System

27 The Female Reproductive System, 224

28 The Male Reproductive System, 235

SECTION 12 The Nervous System

29 Introduction to the Nervous System, 244

30 The Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves, 255

31 The Brainstem, Cranial Nerves, Cerebellum and Fourth Ventricle, 263

32 The Forebrain, 270

SECTION 13 The Endocrine System

33 The Endocrine System, 282

SECTION 14 The Integumentary System

34 The Integumentary System, 290

SECTION 15 The Special Senses

35 The Special Senses, 296

PART B Physiology

SECTION 16 General and Cell Physiology

36 Organization of the Human Body and Its Regulatory Systems, 308

37 The Cell Membrane and Transport across the Cell Membrane, 311

38 Body Water Compartments and Homeostasis, 314

39 Membrane Potentials and Their Importance, 317

SECTION 17 Neuromuscular System

40 Response of a Cell to a Stimulus, 322

41 Basic Physiology of the Neuron, 326

42 Neuromuscular Junction, 330

43 Types of Muscles, 333

44 Physiology of Muscle Contraction, 335

45 Muscle Tone, 341

SECTION 18 The Nervous System

46 The Reflex Arc: Types of Reflexes, 346

47 Supporting Cells of the Nervous System, 349

48 Functions of Different Parts of the Brain, 352

49 Sensation and Its Transmission to the Brain, 357

50 The Motor System, 362

51 The Autonomic Nervous System, 368

52 Clinical Disorders of the Nervous System, 372

SECTION 19 Circulatory, Lymphatic and Immune Systems

53 Cellular and Noncellular Components of Blood, 379

54 The Red Blood Cell (Erythropoiesis, Haemoglobin, Anaemia and Jaundice), 385

55 The Lymphatic System, 391

56 The Immune System, 394

57 Organization of the Circulatory System and Functional Anatomy of the Heart, 399

58 Conduction of the Cardiac Impulse and ECG, 402

59 The Cardiac Cycle, 407

60 Haemodynamics and Blood Pressure, 415

61 Regional Circulations, 421

62 Applied Cardiovascular Physiology: Shock and Heart Failure, 427

SECTION 20 The Respiratory System

63 Functional Anatomy of the Respiratory System, 432

64 Mechanics of Ventilation, 435

65 Gaseous Exchange in the Lungs, 440

66 Transport of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in Blood, 444

67 Regulation of Respiration, 447

68 Applied Respiratory Physiology, 451

SECTION 21 The Gastrointestinal System

69 Functional Anatomy of the Gastrointestinal System, 456

70 Secretions of the Gastrointestinal Tract, 459

71 Digestion and Absorption of Macro- and Micronutrients, 465

72 Movements of the Gastrointestinal Tract, 469

73 The Hepatobiliary System, 473

74 Metabolism of Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins, 476

SECTION 22 The Excretory System

75 The Urinary System and the Nephron, 480

76 Mechanism of Urine Formation, 485

77 Composition of Urine and Renal Function Tests, 491

78 Functions of Skin, 495

79 Regulation of Body Temperature, 498

80 Fluid and Electrolyte Balance, 502

SECTION 23 The Special Senses

81 The Physiology of the Eye, 508

82 The Physiology of the Ear, 518

83 The Physiology of Taste and Smell, 525

SECTION 24 Endocrine System

84 The Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland, 528

85 The Thyroid Gland, 533

86 Regulation of Calcium Balance, 537

87 Adrenal Cortex and Medulla, 542

88 The Endocrine Pancreas, 548

SECTION 25 Reproductive System

89 The Male Reproductive System, 552

90 Spermatogenesis, 555

91 The Female Reproductive System, 559

92 The Menstrual Cycle, the Sexual Act and Contraception, 562

93 Physiology of Pregnancy and Lactation, 567

Illustration Credits, 572

Index, 575

Shankar, Nachiket
Dr. Nachiket Shankar is currently working as Associate Professor in Department of Anatomy, St. John's Medical College, Bangalore. He is currently teaching anatomy to undergraduate and post graduate students and has held several positions in his career such as lecturer, assistant professor and finally reaching to his current position.

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