Sharma | Potter and Perry's Fundamentals of Nursing: Third South Asia Edition | Buch | 978-81-312-5782-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 1362 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm


Potter and Perry's Fundamentals of Nursing: Third South Asia Edition

Buch, Englisch, 1362 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm

ISBN: 978-81-312-5782-1
Verlag: Elsevier India

Potter & Perry's Fundamentals of Nursing is a widely appreciated textbook on nursing foundations. Its comprehensive coverage provides fundamental nursing concepts, skills, and techniques of nursing practice, with a firm foundation for more advanced areas of study. This South Asian edition of Potter and Perry's Fundamentals of Nursing not only provides the well-established, authentic content of international standards but also caters to the specific curriculum requirements of nursing students of the region.
- Provides about 50 Nursing Skills including clear step-by-step instructions with close-up photos, illustrations, and rationales.

- Clinical framework guidelines are presented using the 5-Step Nursing Process.

- Nursing Care Plans and Concept Maps helps to connect with patient's medical problem and your plan of care.

- Local photographs and content added to provide regional look and feel.

- Historical background and development of nursing, existing nursing education, and nursing cadre in India.

- Revised and updated details of Indian health care policies and procedures, e.g. Indian National Health Policy 2017, Code of Ethics for Nurses in India, medicolegal issues in health care in India, and biomedical waste management guidelines.

- Health care delivery system in India and role of nurse in primary health care in the existing content.

- Nursing procedures and protocols customized to Indian nursing needs and resources.
- Fully compliant to the new curriculum prescribed by the Indian Nursing Council

- Comprehensive presentation of historical background of nursing and health care policies in Indian.

- Primary prevention of communicable diseases like H1N1 and COVID-19

- Two new appendixes: A. Diagnostic testing, and B. First Aid and Emergencies

- New Topics added:

- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Universal Immunization Program, and Biomedical Waste Management regulations in India.

- AYUSH, and Accreditation agencies like NABH

- Organ donation, confidentiality of patient records regulations in India

- Indian National Health Policy 2017, Code of Ethics for Nurses in India, medicolegal issues in health care in India
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Weitere Infos & Material

UNIT 1 The Patient, Nursing, and Health Care


1 Health and Wellness, 1

2 The Health Care Delivery System

3 Nursing Today: Nursing as a Profession,

4 Evidence-Based Practice

5 Caring in Nursing Practice

6 Cultural Awareness

UNIT 2 Professional Standards in Nursing


7 Ethics and Values

8 Legal Implications in Nursing Practice

UNIT 3 Communication and Nurse-Patient


9 Communication

10 Patient Education

UNIT 4 Critical Thinking and Nursing Process

in Nursing Practices

11 Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice

12 Nursing Assessment

13 Nursing Diagnosis

14 Planning Nursing Care

15 Implementing Nursing Care

16 Evaluation

17 Managing Patient Care

UNIT 5 Documentation and Informatics

18 Documentation and Reporting

UNIT 6 Foundations of Nursing Practice

19 Hospitalization: Admission and Discharge

20 Vital Signs

21 Health Assessment and Physical Examination

22 Machinery, Equipment, and Linen

23 Infection Prevention and Control

24 Medication Administration

25 Complementary and Alternative Therapies

26 Patient Safety and Quality

UNIT 7 Psychological Basis of Nursing Practice

27 Self-Concept

28 Sexuality

29 Spiritual Health

30 The Experience of Loss, Death, and Grief

31 Stress and Coping

UNIT 8 Physiological Basis of Nursing Practice

32 Activity and Exercise

33 Hygiene

34 Oxygenation

35 Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance

36 Sleep

37 Pain Management

38 Nutrition

39 Urinary Elimination

40 Bowel Elimination

41 Mobility and Immobility

42 Skin Integrity and Wound Care

43 Sensory Alterations

UNIT 9 Advance Nursing Practice

44 Care of Surgical Patients

45 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice

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