Shit / Pourghasemi / Adhikary | Forest Resources Resilience and Conflicts | Buch | 978-0-12-822931-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 476 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 1310 g

Shit / Pourghasemi / Adhikary

Forest Resources Resilience and Conflicts

Mapping, Modeling, and Managing for Sustainable Livelihood
Erscheinungsjahr 2021
ISBN: 978-0-12-822931-6
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Mapping, Modeling, and Managing for Sustainable Livelihood

Buch, Englisch, 476 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 1310 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-822931-6
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Forest Resources Resilience and Conflicts presents modern remote sensing and GIS techniques for Sustainable Livelihood. It provides an up-to-date critical analysis of the discourse surrounding forest resources and society, illustrating the relationship between forest resources and the livelihood of local people. The book is organized into four parts consisting of 31 chapters. Each chapter then reviews current understanding, present research, and future implications. Utilizing case studies and novel advances in geospatial technologies, Forest Resources Resilience and Conflicts provides a timely synthesis of a rapidly growing field and stimulates ideas for future work, especially considering sustainable development goals.In addition, the book presents the effective contribution of the forestry sector to populations' livelihoods through improved collection of forestry statistics that foster the understanding and integration of the forestry sector in poverty reduction processes and the national economy to enhance its integration in national planning. It is a valuable resource for researchers and students in environmental science, especially those interested in forestry, geography, and remote sensing.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Part I. Geospatial-based forest resources mapping, monitoring, and modeling
1. Recent development and future challenges of geospatial approaches for enhancing forest inventories
Gouri Sankar Bhunia and Pravat Kumar Shit
2. Development of a WebGIS platform to generate biodiversity data using citizen science approach
Sujoy Mudi, Sambhunath Roy, Pulakesh Das and S.K. Vazeed Pasha
3. Analyzing seasonal variation in the vegetation cover using NDVI and rainfall in the dry deciduous forest region of eastern India
Shyamal Dutta, Sufia Rehman, Soumen Chatterjee and Haroon Sajjad
4. Forest health assessment using advanced geospatial technology in Buxa reserve forest, sub-Himalayan West Bengal, India
Asish Saha, Manoranjan Ghosh, Subodh Chandra Pal
5. An appraisal of forest degradation and future scenario in the Bilaspur district of Chhattisgarh state (India)
Soumen Bramha, Gouri Sankar Bhunia, S.R. Kamlesh and Pravat Kumar Shit
6. Vegetation biomass and carbon stock assessment using geospatial approach
Anil Kumar Khaple, Guddappa M. Devagiri, Naveen Veerabhadraswamy, Sanjay Babu, Shashi Bhushan Mishra and Vilaskumar Patil
7. Organic carbon stock in the forest soils of Himalayas and other areas in India
S.K. Gangopadhyay, T. Bhattacharyya, Tapan Kumar Mishra and S.K. Banerjee
8. Estimating aboveground stand carbon by combining Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite data: a case study from Turkey
Sedat Keles, Alkan Günlü and Ïlker Ercanli
9. Tree biomass and carbon stocks of different landscape elements in the Western Ghats of Karnataka, India
V. Maheswarappa, R. Vasudeva, Ramakrishna Hegde, Guddappa M. Devagiri, Javaregowda, K.S. Channabasappa and Supriya Salimath
10. Application of geospatial technology and plant diversity indices to assess the temporal change of forest covers across the Ajodhya Hills of West Bengal, India
Debasis Ghosh, Manas Karmakar, Monali Banerjee and Mrinal Mandal
11. Above-ground biomass and carbon content in select bamboo species across humid and semiarid zones of Karnataka, India
Sruthi Subbanna and Syam Viswanath
12. Accuracy assessment of forest mapping in MODIS land cover dataset using fuzzy set theory
Maryam Naghdizadegan Jahromi, Mojtaba Naghdyzadegan Jahromi, Hamid Reza Pourghasemi, Shahrkh Zand-Parsa and Sajad Jamshidi
13. Quantifying forest cover changes in Koraput district, India using remote sensing and GIS
Ch. Jyotiprava Dash, Partha Pratim Adhikary, M. Madhu and P.K. Mishra
14. Using Bayesian kriging and satellite images to estimate above-ground biomass of Zagros mountainous forests
Somayeh Izadi, Hormoz Sohrabi
15. Estimation of forest ecosystem quality using GIS tool in Panchet forest division, West Bengal, India
Mrinmay Mandal and Nilanjana Das Chattarjee

Part II. Non-timber forest products for livelihoods and poverty alleviation
16. Do the collection and uses of NTFPs affect household well-being? Evidence from forest villages in eastern Himalaya
Manoranjan Ghosh, Asish Saha, Subodh Chandra Pal and Somnath Ghosal
17. Non-timber forest produces (NTFPs) and livelihood security of people in West Bengal
Debabrata Das, Pampi Ghosh and Atmaja Avirupa Das
18 NTFPs for socioeconomic security of rural households along the forest ecotone of Paschim Medinipur forest division, India
Partha Pratim Adhikary, Pravat Kumar Shit and Gouri Sankar Bhunia
19. Extraction of timber and nontimber forest produce of Southwest Bengal: ecology versus economy
Bindia Gupta, Punarbasu Chaudhuri and Tapan Kumar Mishra

Part III. Agroforestry and socio-economic issues for forest management
20. Soil and water conservation benefits of agroforestry
R. Kaushal, D. Mandal, Pankaj Panwar, Rajkumar, Pawan Kumar and J.M.S. Tomar
21. Agroforestry and soil health: a mitigation process using AM fungal culture in West Bengal
Pampi Ghosh, Debabrata Das and Atmaja Avirupa Das
22. Soil health status in coffee-based agroforestry systems in Western Ghats of Karnataka, India
V. Maheswarappa, R. Vasudeva, Ramakrishna Hegde, Guddappa M. Devagiri, K.S. Channabasappa and Anil Kumar Khaple
23. Trees on farm lands: an underexploited source to achieve nutritional security in India
Supriya K. Salimath, Manasa P.A. Clara, K.M. Nanaya, Ramakrishna Hegde and V. Maheswarappa
24. The role of communities in sustainable land and forest management
Manoj Kumar, Sweta Nisha Phukon, Hukum Singh

Part IV. Conflicts on forest resources and way to mitigation
25. Forests' management for sustainable livelihoods in the Himalaya: a review of existing literature
Vishwambhar Prasad Sati
26. Assessing habitat suitability of leopards (Panthera pardus) in unprotected scrublands of Bera, Rajasthan, India
Varun Dutta Gupta, G. Areendran, Krishna Raj, Swagata Ghosh, Shyamal Dutta and Mehebub Sahana
27. Effects of Sonajhuri (Acacia auriculiformis) plantation on soil health in Purulia district, West Bengal, India
Manoj Kumar Mahato, Narayan Chandra Jana
28. Trees and forest conservation-cum-afforestation to cope with climate uncertainties
Anand Verdhen
29. Deforestation and its impact on sediment flux and channel morphodynamics of the Brahmani river basin, India
Aznarul Islam, Balai Chandra Das, Sadik Mahammad, Palash Ghosh, Suman Deb Barman and Biplab Sarkar
30. Geospatial environmental modeling of forest declining trend in Eastern Himalayan biodiversity hotspot region
Meelan Chamling, Biswajit Bera and Sudipa Sarkar
31. Assessment of ecosystem services values in response to land use/land cover change in tropical forest
Soumen Bisui, Sambhunath Roy, Debashish Sengupta, Gouri Sankar Bhunia, Pravat Kumar Shit

Adhikary, Partha Pratim
Dr Partha Pratim Adhikary, is presently a Senior Scientist in Soil Physics and Soil and Water Conservation at ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, India. He obtained his Bachelors' degree in Agriculture from Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Masters' degree in Soil Science from Chaudhury Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, and Ph.D. in Agricultural Physics from ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute. Dr Adhikary has over 100 publications in journals, and has worked on many edited books, and book chapters. Dr Adhikary has over 12 years' experience in research, training and extension in the field of soil physics, spatial variability, soil and water conservation and watershed management. He has successfully used non-parametric spatial interpolation techniques such as indicator kriging and probability kriging to determine heavy metal pollution in soil and groundwater.

Bhunia, Gouri Sankar
Dr. Gouri Sankar Bhunia earned his Ph.D. in 2015 from the University of Calcutta in India. His Ph.D. dissertation focused on applying geospatial technologies to prevent infectious disease in the environment. Environmental modeling, risk assessment, natural resource mapping and modeling, data mining, and information retrieval utilizing geospatial technologies are among his research interests. Dr. Bhunia serves on the editorial boards of three international journals in health GIS and geosciences as an associate editor. Dr. Bhunia has published more than 60 articles in Scopus-indexed publications.

Pourghasemi, Hamid Reza
Hamid Reza Pourghasemi is a professor of watershed management engineering in the College of Agriculture, Shiraz University, in Iran. His main research interests are GIS-based spatial modelling using machine learning/data mining techniques in different fields such as landslides, floods, gully erosion, forest fires, land subsidence, species distribution modelling, and groundwater/hydrology. Professor Pourghasemi also works on multi-criteria decision-making methods in natural resources and environmental science. He has published over 230 peer-reviewed papers in high-quality journals and seven edited books for Springer and Elsevier and is an active reviewer for over 90 international journals. He was selected as one of the five young scientists under 40 by The World Academy of Science (TWAS 2019) and was a highly cited researcher in 2019 and 2020

Shit, Pravat Kumar
Dr. Pravat Kumar Shit is Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography, Vidyasagar University, India and also works in the Postgraduate Department of Geography, Raja N. L. Khan Women's College, India. He received his Ph.D. in Applied Geomorphology from Vidyasagar University in 2013, M.Sc. in Geography and Environment Management from Vidyasagar University in 2005 and PG Diploma in Remote Sensing & GIS from Sambalpur University in 2015. His main fields of research are soil erosion spatial modelling, water resource and natural resource mapping, and geospatial modelling, and has published over 50 international and national research articles in various renowned journals. He has published three books and is an associate editor or on the editorial board of three international journals in geography and environmental science.

Sati, Vishwambhar Prasad
Dr. Vishwambhar Prasad Sati, Professor, Mizoram University, Geography and Resource Management Vishwambhar Prasad Sati, Doctor of Letters (D.Litt.) and Ph.D., is a Professor of Geography and Resource Management, School of Earth Sciences, Mizoram University (Central), Aizawl. Currently, he is working on a project on Economic and Ecological Implication of Shifting Cultivation in Mizoram, India. His research interests include non-timber forest resources and poverty reduction in the Himalayan region. He has published more than 150 research paper in various reputed journals and has published 7 books.

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