Sidak / Sen / Hajek | Theory of Rank Tests | Buch | 978-0-12-642350-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 435 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 760 g

Sidak / Sen / Hajek

Theory of Rank Tests

2. Auflage 1999
ISBN: 978-0-12-642350-1
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Buch, Englisch, 435 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 760 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-642350-1
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

The first edition of Theory of Rank Tests (1967) has been the precursor to a unified and theoretically motivated treatise of the basic theory of tests based on ranks of the sample observations. For more than 25 years, it helped raise a generation of statisticians in cultivating their theoretical research in this fertile area, as well as in using these tools in their application oriented research. The present edition not only aims to revive this classical text by updating the findings but also by incorporating several other important areas which were either not properly developed before 1965 or have gone through an evolutionary development during the past 30 years. This edition therefore aims to fulfill the needs of academic as well as professional statisticians who want to pursue nonparametrics in their academic projects, consultation, and applied research works.
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Graduate students in mathematical sciences (statistics, applied statistics, and biostatistics), academics, professional statisticians, and mathematicians.

Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction and Coverage. Preliminaries. Elementary Theory of Rank Tests. Selected Rank Tests. Computation of Null Exact Distributions. Limiting Null Distributions. Limiting Non-Null Distributions. Asymptotic Optimality and Efficiency. Rank Estimates and Asymptotic Linearity.

Sen, Pranab K.
Pranab K. Sen is Cary C. Boshamer Professor of Biostatistics and Statistics at the University of North Carolina, and is a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and of the American Statistical Association. He is also an elected member of the International Statistical Institute.Prenab K. Sen is author or co-author of multiple volumes in Mathematical Statistics, Probability Theory and Biostatistics, and has published extensively in nonparametrics, multivariate and sequential analysis, and reliability and survival analysis.

Hajek, Jaroslav
Jaroslav Hájek was Professor and Chairman, Department of Probability and Statistics at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, and also a Visiting Professor at several American universities. His contributions to statistics are very profound, especially in rank test theory, survey sampling, estimation theory, and statistics in random processes. He died in 1974 at the age of 48.

Sidak, Zbynek
Zbynek Sidák was Chairman, Department of Probability and Statistics at the Mathematical Institute, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic. He is now the principal research worker there. He has worked at various American universities as well. For 30 years, he was Editor of the journal Applications of Mathematics. His interests in statistics were rank tests, multivariate and cluster analysis, ranking and selection procedures, and Markov chains.

Zbynek Sidak was Chairman, Department of Probability and Statistics at the Mathematical Institute, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic. He is now the principal research worker there. He has worked at various American universities as well. For 30 years, he was Editor of the journal Applications of Mathematics. His interests in statistics were rank tests, multivariate and cluster analysis, ranking and selection procedures, and Markov chains. Pranab K. Sen is Cary C. Boshamer Professor of Biostatistics and Statistics at the University of North Carolina, and is a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and of the American Statistical Association. He is also an elected member of the International Statistical Institute.Prenab K. Sen is author or co-author of multiple volumes in Mathematical Statistics, Probability Theory and Biostatistics, and has published extensively in nonparametrics, multivariate and sequential analysis, and reliability and survival analysis. Jaroslav Hajek was Professor and Chairman, Department of Probability and Statistics at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, and also a Visiting Professor at several American universities. His contributions to statistics are very profound, especially in rank test theory, survey sampling, estimation theory, and statistics in random processes. He died in 1974 at the age of 48.

Sen, Pranab K.
Pranab K. Sen is Cary C. Boshamer Professor of Biostatistics and Statistics at the University of North Carolina, and is a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and of the American Statistical Association. He is also an elected member of the International Statistical Institute.Prenab K. Sen is author or co-author of multiple volumes in Mathematical Statistics, Probability Theory and Biostatistics, and has published extensively in nonparametrics, multivariate and sequential analysis, and reliability and survival analysis.

Hajek, Jaroslav
Jaroslav Hájek was Professor and Chairman, Department of Probability and Statistics at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, and also a Visiting Professor at several American universities. His contributions to statistics are very profound, especially in rank test theory, survey sampling, estimation theory, and statistics in random processes. He died in 1974 at the age of 48.

Sidak, Zbynek
Zbynek Sidák was Chairman, Department of Probability and Statistics at the Mathematical Institute, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic. He is now the principal research worker there. He has worked at various American universities as well. For 30 years, he was Editor of the journal Applications of Mathematics. His interests in statistics were rank tests, multivariate and cluster analysis, ranking and selection procedures, and Markov chains.

Zbynek Sidak was Chairman, Department of Probability and Statistics at the Mathematical Institute, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic. He is now the principal research worker there. He has worked at various American universities as well. For 30 years, he was Editor of the journal Applications of Mathematics. His interests in statistics were rank tests, multivariate and cluster analysis, ranking and selection procedures, and Markov chains. Pranab K. Sen is Cary C. Boshamer Professor of Biostatistics and Statistics at the University of North Carolina, and is a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and of the American Statistical Association. He is also an elected member of the International Statistical Institute.Prenab K. Sen is author or co-author of multiple volumes in Mathematical Statistics, Probability Theory and Biostatistics, and has published extensively in nonparametrics, multivariate and sequential analysis, and reliability and survival analysis. Jaroslav Hajek was Professor and Chairman, Department of Probability and Statistics at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, and also a Visiting Professor at several American universities. His contributions to statistics are very profound, especially in rank test theory, survey sampling, estimation theory, and statistics in random processes. He died in 1974 at the age of 48.

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