Signal Processing: Image Communication | Elsevier | Zeitschrift |

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: 10 Ausgaben pro Jahr

Signal Processing: Image Communication

ISSN 09235965


Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: 10 Ausgaben pro Jahr

ISSN 09235965

Signal Processing: Image Communication is an international journal for the development of the theory and practice of image communication. Its primary objectives are the following:

To present a forum for the advancement of theory and practice of image communication.

To stimulate cross-fertilization between areas similar in nature which have traditionally been separated, for example, various aspects of visual communications and information systems.

To contribute to a rapid information exchange between the industrial and academic environments.

The editorial policy and the technical content of the journal are the responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief, the Area Editors and the Advisory Editors. The Journal is self-supporting from subscription income and contains a minimum amount of advertisements. Advertisements are subject to the prior approval of the Editor-in-Chief. The journal welcomes contributions from every country in the world.

Signal Processing: Image Communication publishes articles relating to aspects of the design, implementation and use of image communication systems. The journal features original research work, tutorial and review articles, and accounts of practical developments.

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Computer Science

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