Essay from the year 2018 in the subject Engineering - Civil Engineering, Allahabad University (Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad), course: PhD, language: English, abstract: Groundwater is the water that seeps through rocks and soil and is stored below the ground. The rocks in which Groundwater is stored are called aquifers. Aquifers are typically made up of gravel, sand, sandstone or limestone. Water moves through these rocks because they have large connected spaces that make them permeable. The area where water fills the aquifer is called the saturated zone. The depth from the surface at which Groundwater is found is called the water table. The water table can be as shallow as a foot below the ground or it can be a few hundred meters deep. Heavy rains can cause the water table to rise and conversely, continuous extraction of Groundwater can cause the level to fall.
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