Buch, Englisch, 340 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 680 g
Techniques and Applications
Buch, Englisch, 340 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 680 g
ISBN: 978-0-12-821472-5
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing
The book also explores challenges, opportunities, and future research directions, and discusses the data collection and pre-processing stages, challenges and issues in data collection, data handling, and data collection set-up. Healthcare industry data or streaming data generated by ubiquitous sensors cocooned into the IoT requires advanced analytics to transform data into information. With advances in computing power, communications, and techniques for data acquisition, the need for advanced data analytics is in high demand.
<p>Researchers, academicians, and experts working in IoT in Health Industry, Health Management, Biomedical Engineering, Medical Applications, and Analysis, Application of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Health, Big data-based learning techniques, Integrated approach of IoT and Artificial Intelligence for the Healthcare industry. Scientists, Researchers, Practitioners, Professional from Government and Industries, Cloud-centric applications-based industry, Industries planning to deploy advance analytics (DL) on Industrial Data</p>
- Mathematik | Informatik EDV | Informatik Informatik Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion Ambient Intelligence, RFID, Internet der Dinge
- Mathematik | Informatik EDV | Informatik Daten / Datenbanken Automatische Datenerfassung, Datenanalyse
- Medizin | Veterinärmedizin Medizin | Public Health | Pharmazie | Zahnmedizin Medizin, Gesundheitswesen Medizintechnik, Biomedizintechnik, Medizinische Werkstoffe
- Medizin | Veterinärmedizin Medizin | Public Health | Pharmazie | Zahnmedizin Medizin, Gesundheitswesen Medizinische Mathematik & Informatik
- Technische Wissenschaften Sonstige Technologien | Angewandte Technik Medizintechnik, Biomedizintechnik
Weitere Infos & Material
SECTION I: Health IoT data analytics
1. Internet of things in the healthcare industry 2. IoT healthcare architecture 3. Characteristics of IoT health data 4. Health data analytics using Internet of things 5. Computational intelligence in Internet of things for future healthcare applications
SECTION II: IoT services in health industry
6. IoT services in healthcare industry with fog/edge and cloud computing 7. Multicriteria decision-making in health informatics using IoT 8. A research review on semantic interoperability issues in electronic health record systems in medical healthcare 9. IoT for health insurance companies 10. Security and privacy challenges in healthcare using Internet of Things 11. A secure blockchain-based solution for harnessing the future of smart healthcare
SECTION III: Applications of IoT for human
12. Designing an effective e-healthcare system using Internet of Things 13. Heart rate monitoring system using Internet of Things 14. A smart hand for VI: Resource-constrained assistive technology for visually impaired 15. MIoT: Medical Internet of Things in pain assessment
SECTION IV: Applications of IoT for animals
16. Applications of Internet of Things in animal science 17. Internet of animal health things (IoAT): A new frontier in animal biometrics and data analytics research 18. Internet of Things for control and prevention of infectious diseases 19. Telemedicine system for animal using low bandwidth cellular communication post COVID-19 20. Internet of things and other emerging technologies in digital pathology