Singh / Verma / Perrotti | Environmental Sustainability and Economy | Buch | 978-0-12-822188-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 382 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 790 g

Singh / Verma / Perrotti

Environmental Sustainability and Economy

Erscheinungsjahr 2021
ISBN: 978-0-12-822188-4
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Buch, Englisch, 382 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 790 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-822188-4
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Environmental Sustainability and Economy contains the latest practical and theoretical concepts of sustainability science and economic growth. It includes the latest research on sustainable development, the impact of pollution due to economic activities, energy policies and consumption influencing growth and environment, waste management and recycling, circular economy, and climate change impacts on both the environment and the economy. The 21st century has seen the rise of complex and multi-dimensional pathways between different aspects of sustainability. Due to globalization, these relationships now work at varying spatiotemporal scales resulting in global and regional dynamics. This book explores the complex relationship between sustainable development and economic growth, linking the environmental and social aspects with the economic pillar of sustainable development.

Utilizing global case studies and interdisciplinary perspectives, Environmental Sustainability and Economy provides a comprehensive account of sustainable development and the economics of environmental protection studies with a focus on the environmental, geographical, economic, anthropogenic and social-ecological environment.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Theme 1 Environment and Economy 1. The impact of transport infrastructure development on carbon emissions in OECD countries 2. Does transport infrastructure development contribute to carbon emissions? Evidence from Developing countries 3. Interconnecting the environment with the economic development of a nation 4. The role of economic institutions in electricity consumption, economic growth and CO 2 emissions linkages: Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa 5. Linkage between energy use, pollution and economic growth - a cross country analysis 6. Environmental Pollution and Sustainability 7. The 2030 agenda and the push for electrification in Africa: a tale of two countries

Theme 2 Indicators and Sustainability 8. Economic Indicators for Material Recovery Estimation 9. Economic Approaches to Sustainable Development: exploring the conceptual perspective and the indicator initiatives 10. Modelling methods for assessing the ecological impact of a road maintenance site

Theme 3 Circular Economy and Urban Metabolism 11. Earth, wood, and coffee: empirical evidence on value creation in the circular economy 12. A story of resilience and local materials: sourcing bio-based materials in Norman wetlands, France 13. Consequential Life-Cycle-Assessment to promote the recycling of metallurgic slag as new construction materials Theme 4 Market and Sustainability 14. Material and Energy Services, Human Needs and Wellbeing 15. Assessment of mechanisms and instruments of climate finance: A global perspective 16. Green Economy and Sustainable Development: A Macroeconomic Perspective 17. Challenges and opportunities at the crossroads of Environmental Sustainability and Economy research

Singh, Pardeep
Dr. Pardeep Singh is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Environmental Science, PGDAV College, University of Delhi, in New Delhi, India. He obtained his PhD at the Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University) Varanasi. Dr. Singh has published more than 65 papers in international journals in the fields of waste management, environmental pollution, and agricultural nanotechnology, and has co-edited 30 books.

Perrotti, Daniela
Daniela Perrotti is Professor of Landscape at the University of Louvain, Belgium. Her research is an inquiry into the potential of urban metabolism theory and models to advance evidence-based understanding of the relations that urban communities establish with natural resources. Her work positions itself distinctively in the urban metabolism scientific landscape by operating along two novel lines of research. The first provides a critical revision of the 'urban metabolism' paradigm through more robust interdisciplinary methods that can favour an 'agentic understanding' of metabolic processes and deeper descriptions of society-nature relations in cities. The second line operationalises the first by concentrating on the establishment of more comprehensive metabolic knowledge frameworks to analyse the links between the biophysical foundations of socioeconomic development, natural capital, and human wellbeing via 'ecosystem service' and 'green infrastructure' perspectives.

Verma, Pramit
Dr. Pramit Verma is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium. He completed his PhD from the Institute of Environment & Sustainable Development, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi in 2021. He is currently working in the field of Urban Ecology. He has also worked in the field of urban climate disaster risk reduction and management. He has published several research articles and a technical report while participating in various national and international conferences, workshops and seminars. He is also working on the socioeconomic dynamics governing urban energy and urban land use in secondary cities of India.

Srivastava, K.K.
K.K. Srivastava is an Associate Professor, PGDAV College, University of Delhi, New Delhi India. He also runs his own consulting company, K3A Advisory Services Private Limited. KKS started his professional life with the communication agency Niche Communications where his responsibilities included providing strategic inputs for marketing communication of brands. Later he worked with his colleague and partner to provide backgrounders on Indian economy, polity and society to media groups like the New York Times, German TV, BBC and so on. KKS has more than 60 articles and research papers to his credit on diverse topics in Economics, Marketing, Advertising, Human Resource Management and Environmental Studies.

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