Slater / Rosenblatt / Snowdon | Advances in the Study of Behavior | Buch | 978-0-12-004534-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 520 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 820 g

Slater / Rosenblatt / Snowdon

Advances in the Study of Behavior

Erscheinungsjahr 2005
ISBN: 978-0-12-004534-1
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Buch, Englisch, 520 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 820 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-004534-1
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

The aim of Advances in the Study of Behavior is to serve scientists engaged in the study of animal behavior, including psychologists, neuroscientists, biologists, ethologists, pharmacologists, endocrinologists, ecologists, and geneticists. Articles in the series present critical reviews of significant research programs with theoretical syntheses, reformulation of persistent problems, and/or highlighting new and exciting research concepts. Volume 34 is purely eclectic and illustrates the breadth of behavior research. Contents include sexual conflict among insects, the evolution of sexual cannibalism, odor processing and activity patterns in honeybees, hormone secretion in vertebrates, bird song organization, food transfer in primates, game theory approaches to mutualism, as well as neural mechanisms of learning and memory and how these change during infant development.
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Experimental psychologists studying animal behavior, comparative psychologists, ethologists, evolutionary biologists, and ichthyologists.

Weitere Infos & Material

J. Heinze, Reproductive Conflict in Insect Societies.
R. Bshary and J.L. Bronstein, Game Structures in Mutualistic Interactions.
T.L. Roth, D.A. Wilson, and R.M. Sullivan, Neurobehavioral Development of Infant Learning and Memory.
M.A. Elgar and J.M. Schneider, The Evolutionary Significance of Sexual Cannibalism.
R.F. Oliveira, Social Modulation of Androgens in Vertebrates.
H. Lachnit, M. Giurfa, and R. Menzel, Odor Processing in Honeybees.
G.R. Brown, R.E.A. Almond, and Y. Van Bergen, Begging, Stealing, and Offering.
K. Okanoya, Song Syntax in Bengalese Finches.
P.G. Wilmer and G.N. Stone, Behavioral, Ecological, and Physiological Determinants of the Activity Patterns of Bees.

Naguib, Marc
Marc Naguib is professor in Behavioural Ecology at the Animal Sciences Department of Wageningen University, The Netherlands. He studied biology at the Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany and received his PhD (1995) at UNC Chapel Hill, NC in the US. After his PhD held positions at the Freie Universitaet Berlin (1995-1999) and Bielefeld University (2000-2007) in Germany, and at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (2008-2011), until he was appointed in 2011 as Chair of the Behavioural Ecology Group at Wageningen University, The Netherlands. He is specialized in vocal communication, social behaviour, animal personality and the effects of conditions experienced during early development on behaviour and life history traits, mainly using song birds as model. His research group is also involved in animal welfare research using farm animals. He has served for many years on the council of the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB) and of the Ethologische Gesellschaft. He published > 80 scientific publications and has been Editor for Advances in the Study of Behaviour since 2003. Since 2014 he is Executive Editor.

Brockmann, H. Jane
Jane Brockmann is a professor in the Department of Biology at the University of Florida, Gainesville. Her research interests are in the evolution of alternative strategies and tactics, sexual selection and the economics and mechanisms of decision making in animals; since 1990 her research has focused on the behavior of horseshoe crabs. She has authored more than 70 journal articles and book chapters; co-edited two books; and supervised 30 graduate students. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin - Madison (1976) and was an NSF Post-doctoral Fellow with the Animal Behavior Research Group at Oxford, UK (1977-78) studying the behavior of a solitary, sphecid wasp. She has held the position of Professor since 1989 (emeritus since 2011) and was chair of her department from 1997-2001. She has been Program Director for Animal Behavior at the National Science Foundation (2003-4); president of the Animal Behavior Society (1991-1992); Secretary General of the International Ethological Conference (1995-2006); and journal editor for Evolution (1987-1990), Ethology (1991-2001) and Advances in the Study of Behavior (2002-present; Executive Editor, 2005-2013).

Rosenblatt, Jay S.
Dr. Jay S. Rosenblatt is the Daniel S. Lehrman Professor of Psychobiology in the Psychology Department of Rutgers University-Newark Campus, Newark, NJ. He is an Associate of the Animal Behavior Society and the American Psychological Association and has received honorary doctoral degrees from Göteborg University in Sweden and National University of Education at a Distance, Madrid. His interests include the study of parental behavior and behavioral development among animals.

Slater, Peter J.B.
Dr. Peter Slater is a Kennedy Professor of Natural History at the University of St Andrews, in Scotland. He is a former Editor of the journal Animal Behaviour and past President of the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. He received the Association's medal in 1999. His research interests are in vocal communication, with emphasis on the development and organization of song in birds.

Snowdon, Charles T.
Charles T. Snowdon is a Hilldale Professor of Psychology and Zoology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Currently editor of the Journal of Comparative Psychology, he was previously North American Editor of Animal Behaviour and has served as President of the Animal Behavior Society. He has held a Research Scientist Award from the National Institute of Mental Health since 1977. His research interests are in vocal and chemical communication, reproductive behavioral biology, parental care and infant development in cooperatively breeding primates. His students and collaborators work in both captive and field settings.

Roper, Timothy J.
Tim Roper is Emeritus Professor of Animal Behaviour at the University of Sussex, UK. After completing a PhD in Experimental Psychology (Cambridge 1973) he undertook postdoctoral research at the Universities of Oregon and Cambridge. He was appointed Lecturer in Biology at the University of Sussex in 1979, Reader in 1993 and Professor in 1998. He was Honorary Secretary of the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (1982-87) and has served on the editorial boards of various journals, including Advances in the Study of Behaviour (1996-2014) and Animal Behaviour (as European Editor, 1991-96). He has also been appointed to a number of UK government advisory committees, including periods as Special Scientific Advisor to the House of Commons Agriculture Select Committee (1999-2000) and as advisor to the UK Government Chief Scientific Officer (2008). He has published 120 scientific papers on various aspects of animal behaviour and ecology, including animal learning, the evolution of insect warning coloration, the social and territorial behaviour of mammals, the transmission of bovine tuberculosis between badgers and cattle, the use of remotely collected DNA in estimating population size, urban wildlife management, and communal decision making in animals. He has co-authored a number of government reports and has authored one book (Badger, Harper Collins, 2010). He retired from the University of Sussex in 2010 and now works as a full-time house husband.

Dr. Peter Slater is a Kennedy Professor of Natural History at the University of St Andrews, in Scotland. He is a former Editor of the journal Animal Behaviour and past President of the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. He received the Association's medal in 1999. His research interests are in vocal communication, with emphasis on the development and organization of song in birds. Dr. Jay S. Rosenblatt is the Daniel S. Lehrman Professor of Psychobiology in the Psychology Department of Rutgers University-Newark Campus, Newark, NJ. He is an Associate of the Animal Behavior Society and the American Psychological Association and has received honorary doctoral degrees from Goteborg University in Sweden and National University of Education at a Distance, Madrid. His interests include the study of parental behavior and behavioral development among animals. Charles T. Snowdon is a Hilldale Professor of Psychology and Zoology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Currently editor of the Journal of Comparative Psychology, he was previously North American Editor of Animal Behaviour and has served as President of the Animal Behavior Society. He has held a Research Scientist Award from the National Institute of Mental Health since 1977. His research interests are in vocal and chemical communication, reproductive behavioral biology, parental care and infant development in cooperatively breeding primates. His students and collaborators work in both captive and field settings. Professor Tim Roper has a Personal Chair in Animal Behaviour at the University of Sussex. He has been Secretary of the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour, a Council Member of the International Society for Behavioural Ecology and both European Editor and Executive Editor of Animal Behaviour. His research interest is in the behavioral ecology of social mammals, especially badgers. Dr. H. Jane Brockmann is professor of zoology at the University of Florida, Gainesville. Her research interests include ethology, behavioral ecology; the evolution and economics of behavior; nesting and mating behavior of horseshoe crabs and solitary wasps; and alternative strategies, conflict evolution of social behavior and sex ratios.

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