Smith | Programming the PIC Microcontroller with MBASIC | Buch | 978-0-7506-7946-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 800 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 1380 g


Programming the PIC Microcontroller with MBASIC

Buch, Englisch, 800 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 1380 g

ISBN: 978-0-7506-7946-6
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

The Microchip PIC family of microcontrollers is the most popular series of microcontrollers in the world. However, no microcontroller is of any use without software to make it perform useful functions. This comprehensive reference focuses on designing with Microchip's mid-range PIC line using MBASIC, a powerful but easy to learn programming language. It illustrates MBASIC's abilities through a series of design examples, beginning with simple PIC-based projects and proceeding through more advanced designs. Unlike other references however, it also covers essential hardware and software design fundamentals of the PIC microcontroller series, including programming in assembly language when needed to supplement the capabilities of MBASIC. Details of hardware/software interfacing to the PIC are also provided.BENEFIT TO THE READER: This book provides one of the most thorough introductions available to the world's most popular microcontroller, with numerous hardware and software working design examples which engineers, students and hobbyists can directly apply to their design work and studies. Using MBASIC, it is possible to develop working programs for the PIC in a much shorter time frame than when using assembly language.
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Embedded Design Engineers, Computer Engineers, Software Engineers, System Engineers


Weitere Infos & Material

CHAPTER 1: What is a PICR?; CHAPTER 2: MBasic Compiler and Development Boards; CHAPTER 3: The Basics - Output; CHAPTER 4: The Basics - Digital Input; CHAPTER 5: LCD Modules; CHAPTER 6: Reading Complex Input Switches; CHAPTER 7: Seven-Segment LED Displays; CHAPTER 8: Introductory Stepper Motors; CHAPTER 9: RS-232 Serial Interface; CHAPTER 10: Interrupts and Timers in MBasic; CHAPTER 11: Analog-to-Digital Conversion; CHAPTER 12: Digital Temperature Sensors and Real-Time Clocks; CHAPTER 13: Assembler 101; CHAPTER 14: In-Line Assembler; CHAPTER 15: Interrupt Handlers and Timers in Assembler; CHAPTER 16: Digital-to-Analog Conversion; CHAPTER 17: DTMF Tone Decoding and Telephone Interface; CHAPTER 18: External Memory; CHAPTER 19: Advanced Stepper Motors; CHAPTER 20: X-10 Home Automation; CHAPTER 21: Digital Potentiometers and Controllable Filter; CHAPTER 22: Infrared Remote Controls; CHAPTER 23: AC Power Control; CHAPTER 24: DC Motor Control; CHAPTER 25: Bar Code Reader; CHAPTER 26: Sending Morse Code; CHAPTER 27: Morse Code Reader; CHAPTER 28: Weather Station and Data Logger; CHAPTER 29: Migrating from v5.2.1.x to and the Undocumented MBasic; APPENDIX A: Parts List; APPENDIX B: Function Index

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