Soft Particles | Buch | 978-0-443-21866-8 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 151 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

Soft Particles

Erscheinungsjahr 2023
ISBN: 978-0-443-21866-8
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 151 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

ISBN: 978-0-443-21866-8
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Soft Particles, Volume 62 in the Advances in Chemical Engineering series, highlights advances in the field, with this new volume covering an Introduction to soft particles: state-of-the-art and perspectives, Synthesis of microgels and nanogels via covalent cross-linking strategies, Design and modelling of sub-micron particles via innovative precipitation and self-assembly, Smart functionalization of polymers and particles: an overview of the chemical strategies, Nanomechanical properties of soft particles, Dynamics and rheology of soft particles, Degradable aqueous polymer dispersions, Food-biopolymers for nanogel fabrication, Nanoparticles, nanofibrils and tissues in cosmetic dermatology, Advanced approaches in cancer therapy via administration of polymer-based particles, and more.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Introduction to soft particles: state-of-the-art and perspectivesEmanuele Mauri and Zhenyu Jason Zhang2. Synthesis of microgels and nanogels via covalent cross-linking strategiesFilippo Rossi3. Design and modelling of sub-micron particles via innovative precipitation and self-assemblySulalit Bandyopadhyay4. Smart functionalization of polymers and particles: an overview of the chemical strategiesStefano Scialla5. Nanomechanical properties of soft particlesZhenyu Jason Zhang6. Dynamics and rheology of soft particlesMassimiliano Villone7. Degradable aqueous polymer dispersionsShaghayegh Hamzehlou8. Food-biopolymers for nanogel fabricationJ Fabi9. Nanoparticles, nanofibrils and tissues in cosmetic dermatologyPierfrancesco Morganti10. Advanced approaches in cancer therapy via administration of polymer-based particlesXiao Xiao11. Hybrid micro- and nanoparticles for drug deliveryLinge Wang

Zhang, Zhenyu Jason
Professor Zhang has a broad interest in understanding and modulating soft matter at surfaces and interfaces, which underpins the development of sustainable formulated products, new hygiene technologies, innovate healthcare technologies, intervention to improve air quality, and new routes for energy. He leads several national and international research consortia, supported by EPSRC and Horizon Europe, to understand antimicrobial effects so as to develop sustainable and effective surface hygiene technologies. He received two Industrial Fellowships, funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering, to work with Procter & Gamble (2020-2023) and DuPont Teijin Film (2018), respectively. His expertise in surface forces, e.g. adhesion, friction, contact mechanics, has been applied extensively in a wide range of soft matter applications such as biotribology.

Mauri, Emanuele
Emanuele Mauri is Assistant Professor in the framework of Applied Physical Chemistry at Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering "G. Natta" at Politecnico di Milano. He received his Master Degree in Chemical Engineering from Politecnico di Milano. In January 2018, he received his Ph.D. in Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano with honors discussing an experimental thesis on the synthesis of polymeric devices for drug and cell delivery in central nervous system. He also spent research period as visiting Ph.D. student at the Department of Neuroscience at University of Cambridge (Pluchino Lab). The main research fields are:

. the chemical functionalization of polymers and the study of their physical and chemical properties
. the design of three-dimensional smart polymeric systems as highly biocompatible tools for controlled drug and gene delivery, in nanomedicine and tissue engineering.
. studies of formulated polymer-based systems
He received the European Doctorate Award by European Society of Biomaterials (ESB) and the award Trainee Travel Award/Italian Young Scientist by Italian Society for Biomaterial (SIB) at the 10th World Biomaterials Congress in Montréal (Canada). In 2019, he is awarded as NanoInnovation's Got Talent by Fondazione Bracco at NanoInnovation 2019, in Rome.

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