Song / Jeong | Human-Centered Metaverse | Buch | 978-0-443-21996-2 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 570 g

Song / Jeong

Human-Centered Metaverse

Concepts, Methods, and Applications
Erscheinungsjahr 2024
ISBN: 978-0-443-21996-2
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Concepts, Methods, and Applications

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 570 g

ISBN: 978-0-443-21996-2
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Human-centered Metaverse: Concepts, Methods, and Applications is a valuable resource in the understanding of the metaverse and the factors that influence human-AI interaction. It provides an up-to-date repository of theory, fundamentals, techniques, and diverse applications, and comprehensively addresses recent and rapid changes in the field of human-centered metaverse. Interest in the human-centered metaverse has grown enormously, including from researchers and practitioners in the areas of extended reality (e.g., VR, AR, MR, etc.), learning technologies, human-computer interaction, education, psychology and sociology, and philosophy.
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Weitere Infos & Material

PART I: Metaverse Fundamentals
1. Metaverse: Augmented reality, Lifelogging, Mirror worlds, Virtual worlds
2. History of Human-centric Metaverse
3. Standardization and specification of Metaverse
4. Criticism and concerns

PART II: Advancement in Metaverse Technology
5. Platforms and contents in Metaverse
6. Digital human in Metaverse
7. Transitions between different platforms

PART III: Applications of Human-centred Metaverse
Section A: Education and Academic Fields
8. Extended classrooms and schools
9. Simulation-based learning
10. Online conferencing

Section B: Business, Entertainment, and Sports
11. Hiring and recruitment
12. Employee training and development
13. Metaverse as new work environments

Section C: Human Factors in Metaverse
14. Measures and Assessments in Metaverse
15. Remote collaboration in Metaverse

PART IV: Culture, Ethics, and Diversity in Metaverse
16. Privacy and security issues in Metaverse
17. Diversity and equity in Metaverse
18. Ethical and philosophical consideration in the Metaverse society

PART V: Future of Work in Metaverse
19. Future technology development for seamless Metaverse experiences
20. Governance, laws, and compliances for people in Metaverse
21. Human-AI cohabitation Author Index Subject Index

Song, Donggil
Donggil Song is Associate Professor of Engineering Technology & Industrial Distribution, College of Engineering, Texas A&M University. His research lab (Einbrain Lab, focuses on artificial intelligence (AI) engineering for human learning, human-centred AI, machine learning (ML)-based mixed-reality (MR) AI systems. His research interests are geared towards creating systems by utilising AI/ML and natural language processing while focusing on facilitating human learning. Currently, his primary research includes the applications of virtual human systems in MR environments. From a methodological standpoint, his research interest has been on the synergies and integrations between AI engineering and learning technologies research methods. He holds a Ph.D. in Instructional Systems Technology from Indiana University, an M.S. in Computer Science and Engineering, and a B.A. in Religious Studies from Seoul National University (SNU), and also completed a master's program in Cognitive Science at SNU. Presently, he serves as the Managing Editor of The International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches.

Jeong, Heejin
Heejin Jeong is an Assistant Professor of human systems engineering in The Polytechnic School. His primary research supports human decision-making in interactions with autonomous and intelligent systems. He seeks to apply multiple engineering methodologies (e.g., experimental, human performance modelling, and data analytics and visualisation) to addressing societal problems in human-system engineering domains including transportation, robotics, healthcare, and emerging technologies (e.g., augmented/virtual reality, artificial intelligence). His focuses include extended reality systems for occupational safety enhancement and healthcare rehabilitation training and human-robot collaboration in Industry 4.0 manufacturing systems. He received his PhD in Industrial and Operations Engineering from the University of Michigan.

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