Sorrentino | Mosby's Textbook for Nursing Assistants - Hard Cover Version | Buch | 978-0-323-04998-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 880 Seiten, Hardback with CD-ROM, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm


Mosby's Textbook for Nursing Assistants - Hard Cover Version

Buch, Englisch, 880 Seiten, Hardback with CD-ROM, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm

ISBN: 978-0-323-04998-6
Verlag: Mosby US

Comprehensive in scope, yet easy to read, this trusted resource is all you need to prepare for success in nurse assisting. This engaging text highlights the teamwork and communication vital to your role on the nursing team while detailing over 100 skills you need to provide safe, effective care.
Sorrentino Mosby's Textbook for Nursing Assistants - Hard Cover Version jetzt bestellen!


Weitere Infos & Material

1. Introduction to Health Care Agencies

2. The Nursing Assistant

3. Ethics and Laws NEW

4. Work Ethics

5. Communicating With the Health Team

6. Assisting With the Nursing Process

7. Understanding the Person

8. Body Structure and Function

9. Growth and Development

10. Care of the Older Person

11. Safety

12. Preventing Falls NEW

13. Promoting a Restraint-Free Environment

14. Preventing Infection

15. Body Mechanics

16. Safely Handling, Moving, and Transferring the Person NEW

17. The Person's Unit

18. Bedmaking

19. Personal Hygiene

20. Personal Care and Grooming

21. Urinary Elimination

22. Bowel Elimination

23. Nutrition and Fluids

24. Nutritional Support and IV Therapy NEW

25. Measuring Vital Signs

26. Exercise and Activity

27. Comfort, Rest, and Sleep

28. Admissions, Transfers, and Discharges

29. Assisting With the Physical Examination

30. Collecting Specimens

31. The Person Having Surgery

32. Wound Care

33. Heat and Cold Applications

34. Oxygen Needs

35. Respiratory Support and Therapies NEW

36. Rehabilitation and Restorative Care

37. Hearing, Speech, and Vision Problems

38. Cancer and Immune System Disorders NEW

39. Nervous System and Musculoskeletal Disorders NEW

40. Cardiovascular and Respiratory Disorders NEW

41. Digestive and Endocrine Disorders NEW

42. Urinary and Reproductive Disorders NEW

43. Mental Health Problems

44. Confusion and Dementia

45. Developmental Disabilities

46. Sexuality

47. Caring for Mothers and Newborns

48. Assisted Living

49. Basic Emergency Care

50. The Dying Person

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