Spate / Learmonth | India and Pakistan | Buch | 978-1-138-29063-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 914 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 453 g

Reihe: Routledge Library Editions: British in India

Spate / Learmonth

India and Pakistan

A General and Regional Geography

Buch, Englisch, 914 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 453 g

Reihe: Routledge Library Editions: British in India

ISBN: 978-1-138-29063-1
Verlag: CRC Press

This book, first published in 1954 with this revised edition published in 1972, was recognised as the standard work on Indo-Pakistani geography. Part 1 focuses on climate and soils; Part 2 provides a synopsis of the social complexities of the sub-continent; Part 3 examines planning and development; Part 4 is devoted to detailed regional description, both urban and rural.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Part 1. The Land 1. Structure and Relief 2. Climate 3. Vegetation and Soils Part 2. The People 4. Population and its Problems 5. The Peoples of the Sub-Continent 6. Historical Outlines 7. Village and Town in India Part 3. The Economy 8. Agriculture and Agrarian Problems 9. The Industrial Base: Power and Mineral Resources 10. The Evolution of Industry 11. India in the Planning Era 12. Economic Development in Pakistan Part 4. The Face of the Land 13. The Regions of the Sub-Continent 14. The Himalayas: Kashmir and Karakoram 15. The Himalayas: Central and Eastern 16. The Western Borderlands 17. The Indus Plains 18. The Gangetic Plains 19. The Bengal Delta 20. The Eastern Borderlands: Assam and NEFA 21. The Aravallis and Central India 22. The Western Littoral 23. The Deccan 24. The Eastern Littoral: Orissa and Andhra Desa 25. The Eastern Littoral: Tamilnad 26. Ceylon

Oskar Hermann Khristian Spate was a geographer best known for his role in strengthening geography as a discipline in Australia and the Pacific. In 1967 he became the director of the Australian National University's Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies (RSPAS). He served in this capacity until his retirement in 1972, when he took up a position in the Department of Pacific History

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