Spitas / Spitas / Rajabalinejad | Case Studies in Advanced Engineering Design | Buch | 978-1-61499-241-7 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 230 Seiten

Spitas / Spitas / Rajabalinejad

Case Studies in Advanced Engineering Design

Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium
Erscheinungsjahr 2013
ISBN: 978-1-61499-241-7
Verlag: IOS Press

Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium

Buch, Englisch, 230 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-61499-241-7
Verlag: IOS Press

This book of proceedings is not about serving ready-made conclusions, or a ‘how to’-guide of advanced engineering design. It hopes to serve as a ‘sharp radiography’ of current practices, being neither the ultimate diagnosis nor a prognosis. It is a reference, a starting point for the kind of questioning and dialectic that makes engineering design such a uniquely fascinating, challenging and rewarding human endeavour.
‘…some of the contents are just incredibly awesome and absolutely super – I am saying this because you have succeeded in capturing the “naked truth about engineering design”. Many people including students believe engineering design is pretty much “design” which is “close or equal to artistic activity”. I don’t know if this is true for industrial design, but what I found out and experienced with really professionally successful world-class industrial designers is that they are not performing “pure art”. On the contrary, as depicted in this book, design is largely a logical pursuit toward creativity. There is no serendipity but diligent repetition of logical puzzle building and solving. Some chapters tell us that this forms the basis of engineering design and cannot be replaced by serendipitous discovery of beauty.’
Tetsuo Tomiyama - Professor Lifecycle Engineering, Cranfield University
 ‘I especially like the symposium format, it fits really the nature of design: so we are going to discuss case studies and not just scientific presentations. These case studies form the core of the programme and I know this is not an easy programme to organise. Not many companies and organisations are willing to open up and share their best practices –or worst practices – with other people and it’s quite an achievement that the organisers have managed to convince such a nice range of companies to actually do this… They have selected a number of companies that are very much linked to day-to-day reality, instead of trying to invite very futuristic –maybe not so realistic– product development. So I am really happy to see that we are going to talk “real industry” '
Michel van Tooren - Manager New Concept Development, Fokker Aerostructures - Professor Aerospace Engineering, TU Delft
 ‘A key challenge is integration: How can we work together to collaborate and really be coming up with solutions that are interesting for users in the end… I was heading a team globally in domestic appliances and I was connecting a lot to the R&D departments who were working on technical problems but also wanted to have a direction when it comes to new functionalities that are going to be relevant for the market in the coming years. That is actually really my passion and I hope to see and learn more from you in the course of the day.’
Cees de Bont - Dean Faculty Industrial Design Engineering, TU Delft - former Manager Marketing Intelligence, Philips Domestic Appliances
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